Monday, February 12th, 2024 5:18 PM


Sudden increase in home internet data usage

Hi there, 

I received an email on Feb/6 from Xfinity notifying me that I have used up 75% (or 0.9TB) of my monthly data allowance of 1.2TB. Yesterday night, I received another email notifying me that I have used 100% of my month data allowance, and I am now being charged $10/50GB for additional data usage. I live in a household with myself and my wife. We spend most of the weekdays at work and don't stream hours of videos or music Monday-Thursday.  We did not add new devices in February that would've consumed all the data. I checked my data usage overview on xFinity and February 2024 is definitely not making sense to me right now. I just don't understand how I used 1.2TB of data in 11 days, when my typical data consumption was around 400GB or less per month.  The only change since January would be upgrading my xFinity home internet services to a higher capacity service. My data usage trend is not in line with this month's usage and I want to understand why so I can avoid in the future. 

I reached out to customer support and chatted with an agent online, but told me that because I am not renting an xFinity router, there's nothing xFinity can support me with.  I read through the router rental program and cannot find information on xFinity denying to support a customer if using my own equipment.  This seems very unfair, especially when xFinity charges extra for renting your equipment.  Can someone please look into why my data usage is suddenly so much more and provide an explanation? 

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

1 year ago


jkim2398 We would love to assist as much as possible, but without our device we don't have the information you want. The reason we suggested renting our is it will provide us with the data on how much is being used, and by what device. Your device will not supply us with this information to share unfortunatly. You could rent it for just a month to get the information, then go back to yours if you like, but without using our gateway, we wouldn't be able to tell you anything more than how much was used. 


1 Message

1 year ago

Hello, I have recently had the same issue occur to me. Yesterday, at 12:08 AM, I receive an email that said I had used 75% of data, then 9 hours later at 9:12 AM, an email stating I had used 90% of data. Then 4 hours later at 3:21 PM, that I had used all 1,229 GB of data. No new devices had been connected and I wasn't even home during that time. I don't understand how it averages 600 GB and suddenly spike. Can someone please look into why my data usage is suddenly so much more and provide an explanation? 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

Hello @grod2111, thanks for reaching out for help with your data usage. 

If you believe that is a problem with the data reporting, we have a team that can help. Our Customer Security Assurance Team can check and make sure that there are no issue with the data usage meter. This team can be reached by calling 1-888-565-4329, 8:00am - 12:00am EST, 7 days a week. 

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168 Messages

1 year ago

@grod2111 and @jkim2398 - please take a read at this Post, it might be the similar issue. . .

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