

5 Messages

Saturday, November 27th, 2021 6:26 PM


Sudden huge increase in internet data usage

I have been a Comcast/Xfinity customer for over 20 years. I got an alert this month that I’m exceeding my 1225GB plan. I’ve historically used 125-200GB. I haven’t been home much this month. What is happening?



1 Message

3 years ago

Same issue with me, last month 890 G usage. This month 13 days in 930 G usage.

My assumption is that sales of the unlimited plan are slow so Comcast is manufacturing numbers in order to extort more money out of customers either with unlimited plans or penalty fees.

I will call and waste a day off tomorrow and will likely be very rude to the person trying to force me to upgrade.



7 Messages

@user_e95221​ I'm at 97 percent this month today 8/27/2022 I'm allowed 1200. Last month I used 400+ not close to 500 but over 400 for the whole month!

<Edited for profanity>IS REALLY GOIN ON I looked on my phone & tablet at wut apps used the most CHROME,INSTA & PANDORA any ways my phone & tablet are on a whole different service but wen I hav wifi on & I'm home it uses on my Xfinity GB so I jus turned wifi off wen I'm home to see if that helps but it doesn't seem right 





5 Messages

3 years ago

This month my data usage increased dramatically.  According to my router
                                Tot Mbytes     Avg Mbytes
      Today                  35460           (it's 10:20am)
      Yesterday           127446
      This week           768547           109792
      This Month       1267175            42239

      Last Month         396675            13222

Only changes have been: 
        leaving open ThinkOrSwim --- but this was true last month too
        using Discord on PC
        Windows upgraded to 11

I see no extra devices on my lan.

I'm not sure where to look for the error, thoughts?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Sudden Increase in Data Usage

Problem Solver


1.1K Messages

@Thank you for reaching out to the Digital Care Team. I hate to hear this has been your experience. I recently did the update to Microsoft 11 as well, and hit the data cap for the first time in 5 years. Streaming any kind of content on Discord and Twitch will cause a large increase as well. Here is more information on background data too: https://comca.st/3qgdj2d;

I no longer work for Comcast.



5 Messages

I have tried to do some snooping:

  • I have 2 linux PCs, a Win10 laptop, a Win 11 PC.  I shut down the workshop linux (see next bullet), shut down the laptop, shut down the Win 11 PC == no appreicable difference in throughput;
  • I have looked at the data logs from the router, it appeared that the workshop linux pc was making lots of requests, but, again, shutting it down for a day didn't help;   
  • I have downloaded WireShark hoping I can learn it and figure out where the problem is;
  • I don't "see" any unauthorized devices on my attached device list;
  • Discord on the PC is off;

Next I'll revert Win11 back to Win10 in hopes that may be a fix.  XfinitiyHeather:  the link you offered came back 404.  But, thanks for replying.



5 Messages

Too late, I missed the window to revert from Win11 to Win10 w/o doing a complete reinstall.



5 Messages

I shut down all my computers for the night (this was 3 nights ago).  I've restarted the two in my office (Win11, Linux) and the laptop (Win10) --- shop computer I'll start up later today.

  • Yesterday's usage (12233) was similar to last month's average (13222);
  • Today's usage is still low (755 with 3 computers going, 10hrs);
  • Yesterday I cut dropbox's bandwidth in half;
  • I'm closing Chrome between computer use sessions;
  • Dropbox, Chrome and Kate (Python Editor) were the biggest packet users. I removed Kate b/c I didn't think it needed to run in the background when I'm not using Python (which I haven't in 2months);
  • (Still learning Wireshark the packet sniffer);

I suspect that some piece of software, I'm not sure which, got too big for it's britches and just started doing something, not sure what.  A reset of all the computers seemed to have cleared out RAM and fixed things.  It's really not a bad idea to restart the computers regularly (note to file, eh?).

I would request of Xfinity that their gurus create a simple download pc app (or web app) that can, with user permission, sniff out any offending software that's sucking up bandwidth and causing excessive data use.  You guys have the expertise  --- I don't have that expertise, mine is in the other dark science, econometrics.    A message that I've used up 50% of my data allowance in 10d is already too late.  As soon as I'm using one standard-deviation more than average should trigger an SMS or email.  And then an app to help determine what software is at fault, or if the probability of a unsolicited hack is high, would also help --- all this because Xfinity is a natural monopoly, and to subject us users to a excessive data use fee seems unfair when Xfinity has the expertise to reduce such incidents.



22 Messages

@user_b7256c​ All the links offered by the "comcast reps" go to 404 error.  Don't waste your time.  In the meantime, I hope you got some resolution.  



2 Messages

3 years ago

Has anyone resolved this issue?

I believe it was my Comcast DVR I could be wrong but hear me out.

So in February 2022 I replaced my old Comcast DVR box with a new one. I was surprised to see that my recorded content wasn't lost when I made the switch. I assumed that like Direct TV, a physical hard drive was in the box and that stored my data. Apparently I was wrong.

So I started experiencing this same issue last month Feb 2022. In January my data usage was 995GB Downloaded & 0 GB Upload. In February I used 1229 GB downloaded & 1367 GB Uploaded and as of today March 16, 2022 my data usage is 475 GB Downloaded & 1362 GB Uploaed, now I admit to the download usage but the upload is out of control. Luckily February was my free month for overage, if it wasn't my bill would of been $824. Now my March 2022 was going to be around $900. Insane

So I own my own modem & router, CM1000 & R9000 respectively, which Comcast was not pleased with. They said they can offer no assistance because I don't rent from them. They offered me an unlimited plan but because I have a legacy plan it will screw with my bill and plan. They said the usage is my responsibility, while I aggre I have no control over the DVR sync settings. Only a manual sync before an update option and none to stop sync from working. I'm assuming the DVR sends out your recorded info to a server each time you record or sync. I'm also assuming the cable box has a direct connection to the internet over the coax line via a MOCA but no one can confirm this.

After multiple calls and level 2 technicians that have no understanding of anything. Being told that the sheer number of devices on my network, 28 at the time, use of streaming services, etc were the cause of the high data usage. I tried asking how my Netflix or my Roku were uploading data but I got no reply. I explained that I got a new DVR box but they didn't care. Either buy unlimited data or rent equipment from us or we can't help you. Sorry but no.

I took the new DVR box to a Comcast store and replaced it with a new one, which has a fan that sounds like a jet, and guess what happened my upload data usage stopped. Old DVR 95GB upload one day new box 3GB upload. 

So I stopped the issue, for now ,I see others don't have the same factors as I have, but I am going to be charged possibly $200 or more in extra fees for March because of this. I don't think that's right as I had no control or fault.

I have had multiple calls with different departments with no end in sight. Did anyone have a similar issue or am I alone? Could it be the DVR or was it a coincidence that my data stopped spiking when it was replaced?

Any help is appreciated.



19 Messages

@user_57ead3​ So sorry you are being put out of pocket this way. Shameful.   I strongly belief their intention was to get more money out of you one way or the other and they succeeded. Now you rent their box.  Mission accomplished.  It's the Comcast Way.  



25 Messages

@user_57ead3​ I don’t have a DVR so that’s not what caused my problem. I have had solution to the problem, it went away in January and now everything‘s gone back to normal, but I keep an eye on my usage. every couple days I log into the website and take a screenshot of my current usage and keep very high tabs on everything because what happened was a major glitch on their end and they refuse to acknowledge it and are charging people out the nose for this and then only offering unlimited plans to people as the only option which means there trying to sell us on something and making it our only option .



36 Messages

Your upload data looks to be an obvious error and you should report that issue to Xfinity tech support and have them send a technician to fix it. I have had data count error before but only happened on download side but not upload side. The reason is Xfinity only offer up to 15 mbps upload speed to residential internet users. I have 800 mbps download and 15 mbps upload package. I am not sure about your download speed package, but there's no way your upload data usage exceeds your download data usage unless you leave your device on and active 24 hours on every single day per month. Even if you do that, your upload data usage should never exceed 600 GB per month or 20 GB per day due to the max speed is 15 mbps. If your download speed package is less than 200 mbps, then your upload speed only max at 5 mbps. 

If Xfinity tech support can identify your issue due to their server error or device error, then you should not be billed for anything due to the error. They even will waive your tech visit fee and give you billing credit for apology. That's just my experience for their old device data overcount issue happened a couple years ago. That's due to signal drop frequently so the internet went up and down to cause unnecessary data usage waste by their old rental device. That's not server error. Your issue sounded like a server error. 

Also, Xfinity max bill for overage data is $100 per month even if you do not have unlimited data plan. They had such policy before the pandemic started, but I am not sure about their current policy. Anyway, there's no way you will be billed for over $800 for exceeding their 1.2 TB data cap in a month. 

For anyone work from home and play/download some games from Origin or Steam and streaming online videos each month, exceed 1.2 TB data cap should be easy. Just subscribe to unlimited data plan to avoid overage fees. It only costs $30 per month if you do not rent modem from Xfinity. 



2 Messages

@x_user1​ Thanks for the reply,

I really hope that there is a cap on overage charges at $100. I have Verizon cell service, during the summer months I live in a rural area without internet access and Verizon is the only cell service. So I depend on them for the internet, I just received my Starlink for that address so hopefully that will solve this. Regardless I have a MiFi device (Mobile Wifi) Verizon charge me an overage on it for each 15 GB over my limit. Which has no $100 cap believe me I know from experience. When I was in the Comcast store I asked them if I would be charged $20 per day for these overages and they confirmed it. I asked if my bill would of been $824 and he said yes. So maybe he just didn't know but I was going on info from the in-store Comcast representative.

The plan I have is called Super Fast 600 down & 20 or 30 up. $99 per month

I also have a legacy plan so if I want to upgrade to the 1200 down plan that includes unlimited, I would need to restructure my entire plan and it would be more expensive. Currently they are offering to give me unlimited data but I would be forced to use their equipment. They offered to waive the rental costs but it is an additional $30 month. I don't want to use a Comcast modem/router combo. I purchased my own so that I have some freedom over my network usage inside my home. I should not be punished for it.

They don't care unless they can access your router, maybe this is why I don't want their equipment, because they can just pop in anytime and view all my router info without my consent. Yes they see so much already and probably more than they let onto but the very illusion of control is better than nothing. I even offered the tech to use TeamViewer or AnyDesk to come on my PC and view my router logs or whatever else they would like to see. They declined that and said only if you rent a router.



2 Messages

3 years ago

Same issue here as everybody else.  Called customer support and they were useless.



4 Messages

3 years ago

According to my modem, we are using about 1/3 as much data as what Comcast says we are using.  How can that be correct?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Data Usage

Problem Solver


511 Messages



4 Messages

I checked all of my devices for data usage and know I did not use that much data.  After talking to the resolution team, I know they will not do anything to fix this problem. 

Problem Solver


513 Messages

Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. I understand that you are having issues verifying where the data is coming from. Are you using one of our leased gateways?

I no longer work for Comcast.

New Poster


8 Messages

3 years ago

When the data limits were tested in my state, most went over 300GB limit each month but just 100GB.   Ironic, that now they implemented the 1225 limit, everyone is going over that limit.  Would seem comcasts algorithm is the issue. 

Only possibility would be someone is piggybacking your Wi-Fi signal.   

I would suggest turning off the Wi-Fi and just using wired. If you still get overages its a comcast mistake.

New Poster


3 Messages

@Vexash​ Any updates? resolution?



7 Messages

@TreasaV​ To recap my experience, for over 12 months my household average right at 500 GB with only one month going to almost 600.  But in Jan 2022 we went to 2600 GB (which is insane, the only unusual activity was 1 new PS4 game that we downloaded).  So I called customer service, they escalated and a "security" tech called me back in mid-Feb and said "he tested the meter and that it was accurate", his only suggestion was to change my password.  So, I not only changed my password but I traded in my old modem for a new modem.  We barely stayed within our cap limit for Feb; however, what was really interesting about our "meter" reading was that I checked it DAILY in March and we registered "0" data for the first 9 days but then jumped immediately to 522 GB around the 10th day.  We were out-of-town for a week and managed to go from 599 GB to 918 GB in two days!  Something is definitely wrong!!!  I did see an earlier comment about the "Public hotspot wifi" being a culprit and I do want to try this option.  However, since the end of Jan we no longer have connected/played the Ps4 and have not changed to new phones or computers since 2021 and yet xFinity claims we are doing double or triple our previous (yearly) monthly averages.

Official Employee


746 Messages

Thank you for providing and a background of what has been occurring regarding your data usage. Do you have the opportunity to lock the internet so we can see if the usage increase? You are able to control the internet from the Xfi app. Are you able to see you daily usage right now? 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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2 Messages

3 years ago

I think I might have found why ours was going overlimit- I found that Comcast enabled our Public hotspot wifi. They say it won't slow down your connection but they also don't mention that it takes away from your data limit. I shut my public hotspot off and my data usage has been cut in half.



7 Messages

@user_ada836​ How did you shut your public hotspot off?  I went online and saw two other xfinity wifi options.  One network read "XFINITY" with a lock beside the wifi symbol and the other one read "xfinitywifi" and there was NO lock symbol beside the wifi symbol.



1 Message

3 years ago

Like all of you, I went from using about 400gb of data monthly, to suddenly be over each month starting in 2022. Nothing about my daily consumption has changed, and Xfinity support has zero idea how to address this issue. I'm continually told by support that it is most likely not my usage causing the overage, but a security issue so change my password. Yet when I request that they wave my overage fees since they clarified that it is not me causing the overage it is completely out of the question. This is all a complete scam. I wish I had another provider option.


Official Employee


1.2K Messages

@user_dcadad - Thank you for reaching out to the community with your shared data concerns. I appreciate all of the details you've provided and would be happy to look into this further for you! Before we continue, and to clarify steps taken previously, have you already been in contact with our Customer Security Assurance team regarding the security concerns? If so, and if they were the ones who prompted you to change your password, did that resolve the overages going forward as far as you've seen?

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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22 Messages

3 years ago

I had the same problem a few months ago. I read many comments regarding this issue. A good password is number 1. Shutting down unused apps and things like Roku and the Firestick is also good. Put them to sleep or disconnect them. I have three firesticks which are shut down daily. My usage is around 400 GB so far this month. We will see next month but so far it's okay. 22 GB per day is awesome. Good luck on your troubleshooting. We need everyone to log in. 



4 Messages

3 years ago

I started streaming at the beginning of my billing cycle for Feb. But now my data usage at the end of March has gone up over 1000GB. How is this possible? Very unhappy. It's like I get my bill to where I can afford it better and Xfinity always adds more charges to make it higher again. Real sick of these billing games. Can anyone explain this?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Data quadrupled



4 Messages

3 years ago

I started streaming beginning of Feb. My data usage for Feb is around 300GB. Now end of March I see my data usage at like 1300GB. [EDIT: Language]? Can anyone explain? I stream Peacock, Discovery+ and Disney+ mostly 2 TV's for 8-10 hours a day. Also how would a separate router plugged into my gateway effect my usage?

Any help is appreciated.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Quadrupled data usage




4 Messages

3 years ago

Hello, I need to understand my data usage this month and why I am using do much. I am 300+ gbs over my average monthly usuge and still have 6 days left. This is either misreporting or I am an app pulling way too much data, or a specific device. I need to know this before next cycle. This is not normal for us. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Spike in usage. Same behaviors



4 Messages

3 years ago

Need help seeing detailed usage. Over my average by 300+ gb with 6 days left. Makes no sense. Please contact me with a way to look at what is eating the data up. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Spike in usage. Same behaviors



8 Messages

3 years ago

Xfinity claims that our data usage went from 75% to 100% between Wednesday and today (Friday), 3 days total.  First off, that is impossible for us.  We don't download games, we don't download movies, we haven't been streaming anything the past week and my wife has been out of town the past 5 days.  If anything, our usage should be less than it has been the past 2 months for these reasons.  This isn't the first time this has happened; it also happened during the billing period in November.  That was impossible as well since we were out of town for a chunk of the month.  I'd really love to hear the explanation for this.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Impossible data increase - 75% to 100% in 3 days

Gold Problem Solver


2.9K Messages



I have been reviewing this thread and see some customers Roku or Amazon fire stick was using their data. Do you have one of these?

Also if you would like our team can take a look into data usage by day and see what days the highest data usage was on. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



8 Messages

@XfinityMartinB​  we don't have Roku or an Amazon fire stick.  We primarily use our data for browsing, emails and the occasional video chat or Netflix movie.  If you look at our history, our data usage is around 500-600gb per month.  It's not logical that it would've more than doubled when we used even less data than normal this month (due to both being out of town and not working).

Problem Solver


567 Messages

Thanks for the details. This is indeed odd, especially if you were out of town. Let's dig a little deeper into this. We'd love to further investigate this issue together. Would you be willing to send us a private message with your full name and address?


To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:

Click "Sign in" if necessary

-Click the "Peer to peer chat" icon

-Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

-Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list that appears, and the "Xfinity Support" graphic will replace the "To:" line

-Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

-Press Enter to send it


I no longer work for Comcast.



22 Messages

@mcstrangelove​ That is weird. No extra devices, yet your usage is going up. Really fishy!!



8 Messages

3 years ago

Comcast is stating that we used a quarter of our data in three days.  Sorry but that's impossible.  

Three days ago we received an email from Comcast warning us that our usage was at 75% for the month.  Today we received an email saying it hit 100%.  I don't see how this is possible, especially since my wife was on a work trip and I was only using the internet for work, emailing, browsing.  When we are both home, working off the internet, having video chats, and streaming movies our usage is a fraction of what it is now.  This happened previously in November, which also was impossible since we were out of town - it should've been one of our lowest-usage months but instead, went way over the limit.  I don't know what they are trying to pull but I'm this close to contacting a buddy who works for the FCC regarding these bogus "overages."



25 Messages

@mcstrangelove​ please do!



19 Messages

@mcstrangelove​ It is seriously surprising they keep coming at their customers like this.  Good luck with the FCC.  I contacted them and my usage has been back to almost normal for the past three months. 



12 Messages

@user_b822bb​   Can you please explain how you went about doing that.  I'm fed up


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