3 Messages
Speed does not match plan
I am subscribed to Ultra fast tier 900 Mbps speed download. I realized I was not getting the plan speed, and studied on why. I then bought a 2.5 Gbps router and modem, connected a new cat6 patch cable between the two, and reactivated. The speed is only 350 Mbps. Comcast technician came out and found out the wire from my house to main is 20+ years old. He requested a new line to be replaced. I only got 900 Mbps once in speed test after cable replacement. Since that day, the speed is now 350 Mbps again, and consistently for several days. It appears as if Xfinity deliberately did this. I am paying for 900 Mbps and should be getting it. How can I correct this problem ? I don't mind the occasional down time due to traffic, but when it is consistent like this, I am not getting what I paid for and I will complain until it is corrected. These readings are obtained between the modem and a desktop computer, and NOT behind the router. It is accurate data and is taken several times a day to gain consistency in the data trend. My modem is a new Netgear CM2000. This appears to be an Xfinity issue does it not ?
3 Messages
3 years ago
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