

4 Messages

Thursday, March 25th, 2021 5:48 AM


Speed bump from 1Gbps to 1.2Gbps not working

I got the notice of increase, but only get about 940mb with 23mb up. 

I have a Net Gear CM2000 MODEM connect to Asus AX-89X router in 10gb wan, and using 10gb out for lan to my pc which has tp link TX401 10GB card.

I do have a tech coming Friday to test the line, but is there anything else I should try?

1. I have reboot modem and factory reset router already. tried directly to the modem same speed.



108.6K Messages

4 years ago

For a test, what do you get with that PC connected directly to the CM2000 cable modem (no router in the mix) ?

You'll need to power cycle the CM2000 when you make this change, and then again when you re-insert the router into the path.



4 Messages

4 years ago

I already tried that no difference 



108.6K Messages

4 years ago

O/k then that sounds like Comcast hasn't yet upgraded your speed / sent the proper config file to the modem.

So you can try calling 1-800-comcast and ask the rep to confirm that the modem's provisioning, and your account data in their database is correct and complete. And that the correct config / boot file is being pushed to the modem.

Good luck with it !

Official Employee


839 Messages

4 years ago

We typically overprovision (my 1 Gig service out of my XB7 prior to the upgrade was hitting 1.2Gbps) so you should definitely be seeing higher. 


  • Use http://speedtest.xfinity.com/ since the speedtest.net servers sometimes use host servers that aren't always accurate (plus running it from ours lets us log the results for diagnostic purposes). 
  • I'd check for firmware updates on both the Asus AX-89X router and the TPLink-TX401. There are edge cases where the Netgear and Asus equipment may not always play nice, it might require some checking on the Netgear/Asus forums as well to see if other users are experiencing similar issues.



108.6K Messages

4 years ago


You wrote: "We typically overprovision (my 1 Gig service out of my XB7 prior to the upgrade was hitting 1.2Gbps) so you should definitely be seeing higher."

FWIW. It is my understanding that they now offer a standard 1200 Mbps speed tier before any over-provisioning. Posters here have shown that they are getting around 1500 Mbps with the 20% over-provision.

You wrote: " I'd check for firmware updates on both the Asus AX-89X router and the TPLink-TX401. There are edge cases where the Netgear and Asus equipment may not always play nice, it might require some checking on the Netgear/Asus forums as well to see if other users are experiencing similar issues."

They stated that they weren't showing any increase in speed when they were connected directly to their cable modem (no router involved). So it can't be the router but I agree that it could be NIC. It is a 10 gig card however, so I'm not so sure that the manufacturer supplied factory firmware would exhibit a speed deficiency in that low 1 gig area. More so if one were pushing the 10 gig limit.




108.6K Messages

4 years ago


Again. They stated that they tried the test directly to the cable modem with no router in the mix.



108.6K Messages

4 years ago

Yeah. I know all that. That is why I originally stated a possible provisioning issue...

Gold Problem Solver


3.7K Messages

4 years ago

If the OP is in Central would be worth checking the account and provisioning. Could be wrongly provisioned for Extreme Pro 800/20.

With overprovision I see 940/24 on Extreme Pro in Central.

Problem Solver


948 Messages

4 years ago

For whats its worth, after much trial and error, i ultimately i had to set my network card from auto to the speed i wanted to connect at, its sounds trivial, but it worked

Official Employee


839 Messages

4 years ago

@EG  I'd bet GME stock on it being a provisioning issue. Edge case and highly unlikely it's a NIC config issue as @jlavaseur but if you work IT long enough you'll always check anyways :) 



108.6K Messages

4 years ago


You wrote: "but if you work IT long enough you'll always check anyways :)".

I couldn't agree more !! Tech Nerds are relentless !!! :-D



3 Messages

4 years ago

This was sort of brought up indirectly in previous responses, but I will try to maybe help by being clearer as to what to check for each test case.

940Mbps sounds almost exactly right the speed being limited by a 1Gbps Ethernet link somewhere in the chain between your modem and router, router to switch (if applicable), and switch to computer. If your network has more steps/routes, check at each of those. Double-check at every point that these are actually negotiated to 10Gbps, or at least >1Gbps. You should see towards 1.2Gbps with "1Gbps service", and more (~1.4Gbps?) for "1.2Gbps service", due to typical over-provisioning.

On the router, check the actual negotiated speed for the interface going to the modem. Check the actual negotiated speed for the interface going to a switch or computer (if direct). If there is a managed switch, check similarly. If not, see if the link lights can give you any clues. Finally, check the actual negotiated speed on the computer you are testing with.

I do see that you tried directly at the modem as well. In this test configuration, double-check the negotiated rate on the computer running the test. Do not assume anything is actually auto-negotiating at particular speeds, just because it _should_ with a particular cable. Generally, I would try to understand why it is auto-negotiating lower than expected (try a different batch of cables, possibly), before overriding settings.

I am only restressing all of this, since 940Mbps is almost a telltale magic number to see in the case of GigE being the bottleneck.



4 Messages

4 years ago

I have them try reprovisioning the modem tonight after work see if it makes a difference. It does say that I have extreme pro with up to 12000gb so Paranoid is probably right. A rep upgrade are speed at some point, but put extreme pro for a deal or something. I find out after work at about 11 or so.



4 Messages

4 years ago

FIXED, Thanks to Paranoid. The Modem needed  provisioning now geting my speeds. thanks everone



108.6K Messages

4 years ago

Glad you got it sorted out ! And actually, provisioning was mentioned before that. Now closing your thread.

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