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13 Messages

Monday, January 22nd, 2024 1:22 AM


Slow Ethernet Connection between XB8, Mac mini, and Netgear Orbi Router

I’m having an issue with a wired ethernet connection.  Here’s the background…

I have a Mac Mini M1 with a 1 Gbps ethernet port, a Netgear Orbi RBR850 router, and an Xfinity XB8 gateway with (3) 1Gbps ethernet ports and (1) 2.5 Gbps ethernet port.  The router is in bridge mode with a 1.2 Gbps internet plan.  I’m running Cat-6 cables throughout, none longer than 6 feet.  All devices are updated to the current OS and firmware.

The problem is that, when the router is cabled into the 2.5 Gbps port on the gateway, the measured speed to the Mac’s ethernet port is in the 350 Mbps range.  Nicely enough, the WiFi speeds to the Mac still run in the 850 Mbps to Gigabit range.  Dashboards indicate that the wired connection between Mac and router is 1 Gbps.

Lots of other things are working right…WiFi to all my other devices (mostly Apple) is fine.  When I plug the router into one of the Gigabit ports on the gateway, I understandably get near-Gigabit WiFi to all devices and a Gigabit ethernet connection all the way to the Mac.  When I bypass the router and plug the Mac straight into the 2.5 Gbps port on the gateway, I also get the expected Gigabit Ethernet connection.

The wired connection to the Mac worked fine on the Xfinity gateway that I had just prior to the XB8.  I can live with this, given the strong WiFi to the Mac, and perhaps a future update will fix things.  At the same time, it’s leaving me a little perplexed.  I’ve read many stories like mine but have found no solutions.

I’m told that the 2.5 Gbps port on the XB8 uses IPv6, and have tried both the “autoconfig” and “Use DHCP Server” settings in the IPv6/LAN Setup section on the router without joy.

Thoughts are welcome and thanks for listening…

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7 Messages

1 year ago

I am having a very, very similar problem using an Orbi960 to a Netgear Switch and when both are connected via 2.5Gb ports, my speeds go down to ~350mpbs however if you plug the Orbi into a 1Gb port, the speeds go to 1Gb. I know I don't have wiring or issues with the Switch/Orbi due to various testing and I enabled flow control on the switch brought the speeds up to ~650Mbps which is an improvement but not what it should be.

Problem Solver


1.3K Messages

@startedwithasmi We can test out the connection coming into the home, but when it comes to additional routers, there is only so much we can help with. Please send us a direct message with your full name and service address. 

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• Press Enter to send your message

I no longer work for Comcast.

Official Employee


1.7K Messages

1 year ago


FEC, Thank you for reaching out to Xfinity Support! We would be happy to run through some troubleshooting steps with you if you'd like. Please let us know if you are still having issues, so we can work with you. 


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13 Messages

Thank you but I won't be able to spend time on this for the next few days.  Instead, I would encourage your people to put their heads together with Netgear to figure out why the 2.5 Gbps port on the XB8 doesn't play well with their routers.  This has not happened with previous Xfinity gateways that I have used and there are a number of similar cases popping up.

Again, when you strip away all of the background and troubleshooting results, the core problem is that the wired ethernet connection on my Mac is only seeing internet speeds of about 325Mps when plugged into my router (while the XB8 is in bridge mode) and the expected gigabit speed when plugged into the 2.5Gbps port of the XB8.  WiFi speeds are not affected...

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

@FEC We can certainly pass along your feedback about the issue, however my first suggestion may be to try a replacement XB8 to see if the issue still persists. We can help with that if you want to give it a try!

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@XfinityFrank, yes I would like to give a replacement XB8 a try.  Thank you...

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Hi there! Our awesome digital care team would be happy to assist you. Can you initiate a direct message and start with your full name and address? To start a direct message, you must be signed in. Please click the "Direct Messaging" icon in the top right of the page next to the bell, and send your message to "Xfinity Support". Talk to you there!



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FYI, I completed the transition to a replacement XB8 gateway and my circs remain identical to those when I began this adventure.  When my router is plugged into the 2.5 Gbps port on the gateway, I get around 325 Mbps from the Internet to the gigabit ethernet port on my Mac.  When I move the router connection to one of the gigabit ports on the gateway, I get a full gigabit to the Mac.  It doesn't matter whether I'm in bridge mode or gateway mode.  Again, this never happened on my old XB7 gateway.

While there may be other explanations, the preponderance of my troubleshooting suggests that there is something related to that 2.5 Gbps port and/or my router that is causing the devices not to play well together.

For now, I'm just going to remain attached to the gigabit port on the gateway, and perhaps Xfinity and/or Netgear will eventually figure things out.  The WiFi speeds around the house are a little bit off but the difference it makes to my various wireless devices is inconsequential...



204 Messages

1 year ago

Sounds like a router (Orbi) bug to me, or at least most likely.  You can go ahead and try swapping the XB8.  Might as well.  Sometimes Gateways have issues.

I have a similar issue with my Mikrotik RB5009 router.  It has problems with 1Gb and slower clients when using the 2.5Gb port for WAN and an internet connection faster than 1Gb (I have the 1200 plan).  It's a known bug and acknowledged by the manufacturer.  1Gb clients connected through the 10Gb port on the router through a switch get 200-250.  1Gb clients using the 1Gb ports on the router (with or without switch(es)) get 850-900.  I worked around it by double cabling my main switch and putting my <=1Gb and 2.5Gb+ devices on different VLANs.  Please note that you need a business class router and a managed switch with VLAN support to do this.  Not perfect, but ok and good enough for my use.  I have the 1200 plan but really only care about full speed on desktops with 10Gb connections, and anything 2.5Gb and faster runs at full speed.

I doubt IPv6 has anything to do with it.  All the ports on an XB8, any other reasonably recent router, or any computer running a non-ancient OS will support IPv6+IPv4 at the same time.  Windows XP supported IPv6.  You won't be able to run a version of MacOS on an M1 that doesn't have IPv6+IPv4 support.  The 1Gb connection that runs at 1GB will support IPv6 just like the 2.5Gb port.



4 Messages

1 year ago

I have RBR852 system. I also have the Xfinity XB8 like you too.  It’s in bridge mode AND I’M EXPERIENCING THE EXACT SAME ISSUE SPOT ON!  Exact.  It’s driving me crazy and I have a new Orbi 852 arriving in hours from Amazon but clearly that won’t fix it if you are having the same issue!  I too was satisfied with my iMac Desktop connected via WiFi but was mad when connecting via Ethernet my speeds were around 250 and couldn’t understand why?!?!   I’ve hard reset, thought it was the in wall cat5e cabling and most recently thought the Orbi was defective hence new one arriving.  I couldn’t believe your post when I was reading and can’t figure out what to do.  Interestingly, prior to getting the XB8, I was running Orbi Cable Modem 750 with satellite and things were working fine and cat5e cabling was getting me 940 on a long run from one end of house to the other.  But I rented XB8 and upped speed to 2xG and now this frustrating issue has popped up with Xfinity gateway and new Orbi 850.  I will be watching closely and hoping someone can suggest anything to try!!  Thanks for posting and now you know it’s not an isolated problem unique to you.  

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13 Messages

Interesting that you should post but I wish it was yesterday!  That's because I had a rather frustrating interaction with Xfinity Support on their direct message channel.  Seems that the reps manage multiple conversations simultaneously and it can take 20 minutes or more to get a reply to the simplest of statements.  I also got handed off to several different reps in their pool, some of them quite understanding of the problem and others that clearly didn't review the thread before intervening and I had to start from scratch.

After all that, bottom line is that Xfinity believes that it's not an Xfinity problem because they don't support third party equipment.  My comments that the problem seemed to reside in how the 2.5 Gbps port operates were discounted by all but one rep who was about to send a support ticket in before I lost her.  As I was describing the situation to others, I said that there was enough message traffic flying around from owners of other router brands to lead me to believe there was something going on in the XB8 gateway (think common denominator) but the thread basically ended with a statement that it isn't an Xfinity problem, goodbye.

All I was really hoping was for someone to kick it over to the network engineers to look at it.  They said they might do that if they saw enough traffic to justify it.  Your note adds to that list.

I gave some thought to starting a similar discussion on the Netgear support side but have better things to do right now.  I also suspect I'll hit a paywall since my free support period has long since expired.  For now, I'm just leaving the Orbi plugged into a gig port on the XB8 and plan to check the 2.5 gig port from time to time, especially when new Orbi firmware surfaces.  I get the full gig to my wired Mac that I expect and the modest loss in speed to our various wireless devices really isn't noticed.  Frustrating but that's life sometimes...



4 Messages


I never pulled from the 2.5g port until I read your post and just plugged into another gig port and at least that is a massive improvement from where I was!  So thank you for posting and taking the time.   This is frustrating and what’s even more frustrating is the inability of Xfinity to even consider the problem may lie within the 2.5 port!  Again, common denominator regardless of brand. No doubt more will experience it and we have done our part and thank you for improving my situation at least and taking the time!

Official Employee


2.6K Messages

Good afternoon, @user_8335df and thread! Thank you all for reaching out and for the thoughtful discussion. I checked and do not see this listed as a known issue, but am happy to further investigate. Have you tried out a replacement XB8 modem already to see if there is a problem with the modem that you have? What other troubleshooting steps have you already tried? 

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I am the OP and I have indeed transitioned to a replacement XB8.  My efforts to pin this down are detailed in the first message of this thread.  Three footnotes to that message are 1) I have tried this with bridge mode turned both on and off with identical results, 2) I have put the router in access point mode and used the routing capability of the gateway, again with identical results, and 3) I have chosen to leave the router plugged into a gigabit port in the gateway (rather than the 2.5 gig port) so I can get a full wired gig to my Mac. This causes me to lose some bandwidth to the devices on WiFi but I’ve opted for that tradeoff for now.

Lastly, while I can’t swear that the router has no guilt in this, I find it interesting that the XB8 is the common thread in multiple cases involving several router brands…

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13 Messages

1 year ago

There are multiple posts on the Xfinity reddit that describe a similar problem, some where a computer equipped with a 2.5 gig card is plugged directly into the 2.5 gig port on the gateway.  Something is going on...

3 Messages

1 year ago

You're lucky if you are getting the 800-900 Mbps range on the 1Gbps ports of the XB8-T modem.  If I run the WiFi speed tests I get 860+ Mbps while connected to the 5GHz channel (yes I did separate the SSIDs on purpose).  Any of the 4 ports, including the 2.5Gbps port, my computers that are hardwired to it, or my router will all get 350Mbps.  I have also tried 3 different types of cables from cat5e, cat6 and now cat8.  I have also swapped out the modem from a local Xfinity store, and I get the exact same results.  The XB8-T is junk!  I am about to cancel my service since they can't seem to deliver what they are advertising.

3 Messages

@user_nyn8cn​ It's me again here.  I was able to solve my issue by going to the older XB7-T and I was getting a solid 500Mbps on the router, and was nailing over 900+ Mbps on a direct connection with a computer.  Ended up replacing the router as well with an Asus RT-AX82U.  Now everything on my network is getting over 900+ Mbps.  I still recommend looking at the XB8-T modem as being a slow down issue since through my tests being hardwired directly with a computer I was not able to get very fast.

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13 Messages

1 year ago

For the Xfinity employees that monitor these forums, rather than put us through endless chat sessions and useless troubleshooting steps that pop up on your screens, can’t you possibly put this through to your engineers to try to replicate this issue?  Based on multiple posts scattered across several venues, there is something going on here and it’s unique to your XB8 gateway.  Thanks in advance…

Retired Employee


1.4K Messages


At this point, we have exhausted all of our troubleshooting options. I have read through your DMs with us, your thread here, and even the one on the other forum. I recommend contacting Netgear and troubleshooting there. If they can figure out why this is happening on a 2.5GB port, they will forward that over to us. 

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13 Messages


If you haven't passed this upstairs, you haven't exhausted all of your options.  Tell me that you've done that and I'll go away...

Official Employee


1.7K Messages


FEC, This is something that we don't pass along to them, but as they see what is trending, they will look into it. You are doing the right thing by discussing it here.


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