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2 Messages

Thursday, December 14th, 2023 2:21 AM


SB8200 Modem Not Achieving 100 Mbps Upload Speeds

Hi there, I'm writing in to see if someone can help me with my upload speeds on my SB8200 modem. I am only getting 25 Mbps though my package calls for 100 Mbps. I am only seeing 4 bonded upstream channels and they are all QAM. Not sure if OFDMA has been rolled out in my area, but can confirm the upstream light is green on the modem if that matters to get the full 100 Mbps. I've tried to factory reset to ensure I got the latest firmware and everything, but it still tops out at 25 Mbps upstream. The downstream speeds are just fine. Firmware is AB01.02.053.05_051921_193.0A.NSH. I've reached out to customer support and they say everything looks fine on their end.

Any help would be appreciated. Trying not to shell out for a newer modem if I don't have to. Also, any idea when symmetrical speeds will be rolling out to the Chicago area? Is DOCSIS 4.0 required to achieve symmetrical speeds? Because theoretically 1 Gbps up is supported on DOCSIS 3.1, right? 

Official Employee


331 Messages

1 year ago

@lawrencese Thank you for your post! At this time that modem is not supported and I'll post a list below for you of modems we do support outside of our rental modems.

HitronTechnologies CODA
HitronTechnologies CODA56
Netgear CM2050v
Netgear CM3000*
Netgear CBR750
CommScope G54

This list might change in the future but as of right now it is correct and complete, I hope this helps!


3 Messages


I'm having exactly the same problem as @lawrencese. Same symptoms, same modem, same channel behavior.

Your comment directly conflicts with other information in the Xfinity support portal. If I check the support page for third-party devices (, it sends me to the account page for devices ( which clearly shows the SB8200 as an approved and supported device.

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Thank you for sharing what you are seeing on your end so we can best help. The modems listed are for our General Speed Markets that you are seeing. Once you run the address search, If you slide down that page to the bottom right you will see the "All Compatible Devices" button.

When you click it will bring up a PDF list of all the modems compatible with our service. At the top, it shows Next Gen Speeds which are the ones that are compatible with the higher upload speeds. We recommend always accessing this list from the Device Info site. I have noticed that when the list updates there is a new PDF link so if you have an old link saved directly to it, you may not have the most up to date list. 

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12 Messages


so after WEEKS of trying and HOURS on the phone, the compatibility list that Xfinity points to on the “my equipment” page is INCORRECT. [Edited: "Language"]?!!!!!   <--- READ AS FRUSTRATED customer

I have been begging everyone I spoke to to push this up the ladder and find out why a customer must waste 20+ hours of time with support, and nothing but a runaround and waste of time. 

I had a customer owned SB6183 which BTW is capable of 200Mbps upload, but I have been on this path because the SB8200 was listed as compatible for my service, so I bought one (actually FIVE with replacements because of Comcast).


1 Message

@XfinityRay​  The whole experience is misleading and time wasting. I think Xfinity should own up and fully support Arris SB8200 for at the end-user's xfinity web portal experience Arris SB8200 does show as a supported modem, moreover when you click on the Arris SB8200 moden tile for more info and place the mouse on DOCSIS Channels to display more info the following information shows. See attached screenshot image.

"By default, all Comcast-certified devices on this site will support all Comcast Internet plan upload speeds"

Furthermore, the Arris SB8200 is capable hardware to support 100 Mbps upload speeds.

If Arris SB8200 so happens to now not be "certified" then it is not our fault.  The Xfinity portal/system is still presenting and recommending Arris SB8200 as a supported certified router. People have invested money and wasted time in trying to solve this issue when all we want is to be able to get what we are paying for following the Xfinity support web portal/system recommendation.



2 Messages

Wanted to let you know that I'm using this as some ammo to help them handle my case. I'm not arguing my download speeds, but my upload is rated at 200mbps and I'm getting 40. If they're going to show this verbiage, then they need to stand by it or update their site to reflect correct information.

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

1 year ago

... upload speeds on my SB8200 modem ...

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2 Messages

I had a tech come out to my house and we tried an xfinity modem - it was able to get the 100MB upload speed.  I put back my SB8200 and I am back down to 24MB.  It's the modem or the inability for Xfinity to negotiate the proper speed with this modem.  The error in the modem log that I think is the issue is: "UCD invalid or channel unusable".  I think only Xfinity can fix this and so far they have not...

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

Thank you for your feedback and for choosing Xfinty, @kdurigan! The Xfinity Gateway (XB6, XB7, and XB8) works great and will achieve higher uploads in our enhanced markets. You can also use a compatible COAM device eligible for increased upload speeds.

Below are the available COAM devices (list updated 11/30/23):
HitronTechnologies CODA
HitronTechnologies CODA56 
Netgear CM3000*
Netgear CBR750
CommScope G54
*When released
And, as more devices become eligible the list will be updated. 

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168 Messages

@kdurigan​ - the Arris SB8200 CM is not yet certified to work on the upgraded Mid-Split HFC Plant [Xfinity calls it "Next Gen Speed Tier"]

Please review this very good Article if you wish.


2 Messages

@user_noname​ This needs to be referenced more often. Those of us who scour the internet for this information and are unable to find it is infuriating, especially when we're just told "Buy our modem!" I appreciate that you referenced this and it will probably get me to buy a new modem, because I'm upload starved at this moment...

Edit: And to be clear, I try my best not to direct my anger toward the level 1 techs (and often not even level 2), because this information is either not granted to them or out of reach. This issue lies at the feet of those managing these pages, and more likely those who provide the information to them. Having self help documents online for the users is great until it isn't managed properly by the company




12 Messages

1 year ago

Crazy idea, but maybe Comcast should not show a list of equipment on “my equipment” page that is NOT compatible with the customer's actual plan. <EDIT: Language> How many thousands of customers are wasting their, and your company's, time on this issue?


Official Employee


1.5K Messages

@Anon53981 - Thank you for leaving comments with your concerns. Please see XfinityRay's comment above regarding compatible modems for our General Speed Markets vs the Enhanced Speed Markets. I believe your equipment is compatible with your service, but it is not yet supported for Enhanced Speeds if that's what you're seeking. Please let us know what other questions you have, and our Digital Care Team is happy to help however we can!

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2 Messages

I spent hours with Xfinity support chat a week ago trying to get the 100mbps upload that my plan offers me; they finally figured out that my old Motorola modem was the problem and THEY (Xfinity support) RECOMMENDED the Arris SB8200 modem to allow me to get the 100mbps upload... I spent $200 to buy the recommended SB8200 modem, I just installed and activated it and STILL only getting 11mbps upload speed... so once again I got on support chat and TWICE they said they had it fixed but I had to wait an hour and reboot to see the speed improvement... it would seem that is a scam tactic to get you off the chat as neither time did the speed change. A tech is supposed to be coming out tomorrow, but now that I've found this thread, I'm pretty sure the tech won't be able to fix my issue. Xfinity either needs to fix this issue or pay me for the $200 wasted on their recommended modem or I will 100% switch ISP


Official Employee


744 Messages

@Sky-Guy We hate to hear of the experience you have had with us, and want to ensure you are able to take advantage of the speeds in part of our Next Generation Network. In order to achieve our Enhanced speeds, you would need a modem compatible with our Next Generation Network. At this time, the only Arris modem compatible would be the G54 model. We always recommend checking our Device Info site to check compatible devices, and there you can view a full list of all compatible devices by hitting the blue panel labeled All Compatible Devices (including next generation speed tiers). The top of the list will show all current compatible modems.


At this time, we don't have a way to make this modem work with the higher speeds,and are not able to provide any credits for the cost of personal equipment. I would recommend working with the retailer to complete a return of the modem and purchase a new modem on our Recommended Devices for Our Internet Plans list that is showing under the Next Gen Speed Tier section. 

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6 Messages

I can't believe you are still blaming the customers for your inaccurate posted website information, ill-trained and ill-informed phone agents, and your corporate doublespeak. How many tens of thousands of customers (I am one) have gone through this nonsense. You literally linked the Device Info page that contains the inaccurate information. Even the "Recommended Devices" PDF doesn't describe what the "Next Gen Speed Tier" means. A customer has NO WAY to understand that their "upgraded" plan is incompatible with their existing modem or most of the modems that your Device Info page lists. How many months has it been? How many more months will Comcast shrug it's shoulders at this debacle, Katie? Is Comcast management so clueless and top-down that they don't know what frontline employees are being told by frustrated customers? Or do they just not care enough to SIMPLE UPDATE THE WEBSITE?

1 Message

1 year ago

I had the same exact issue.  I had many calls and a tech came out to my home and measured my line speed.  For some reason the SB8200 won't get better than 24mb/s upload speed.

3 Messages

1 year ago

@user_x4j5zk Comcast clearly hasn't trained everyone on this. The reddit post above with the list of supported devices is apparently an official source, and the only official source I have found for devices which are supported for the enhanced speeds. They have gone out of their way to make it unclear and confusing when you look in your account through their website.

It's buried in the fine print of the plan, but speeds above 25Mbit are considered part of the "enhanced speed network" and are only supported in certain markets and then only with specific hardware.

The SB8200 is not on the supported list, so you are limited to 25Mbit. This is irritating because it has identical specifications to one of the handful of devices which are on the list, but Comcast is not providing the running config files for enhanced speeds. They absolutely could add support for it, and I hope they do, but I'm not holding my breath for it.


New Poster


14 Messages

The SB8200 is not on the supported list, so you are limited to 25Mbit. This is irritating because it has identical specifications to one of the handful of devices which are on the list, but Comcast is not providing the running config files for enhanced speeds. They absolutely could add support for it, and I hope they do, but I'm not holding my breath for it.

As an SB8200 owner I totally agree that Comcast "could" make it work but has so far decided not to make it work.  Highly frustrating!

At this point I will NOT be upgrading my modem again since it is capable.  My biggest complain it upload speeds... having 1.2Gbps download with only 40Mbps upload in my area is insane.  Personally I think their new 200Mbps upload in my area is disproportionate to the 1.2Gbps download speeds but at least it would be good enough.

I am now going to wait it out, either Comcast approves the SB8200 or I switch to Sonic fiber when it gets here..... the clock is ticking.



15 Messages

Ditto... and the SB8200 is approved and working getting highers speeds on other cable providers in the USA (other then Xfinity) using the same mid-split OFDM tech without issues.   It's a matter of Xfinity approving the SB8200 and pushing the proper config file to the thousands of SB8200 users.  The SB8200 is a better modem then some of the ones on the next gen list, with the needed specs / tech built into it.  [Edited: "Inflammatory"].




6 Messages

@user_7y4itl​ this is definitely a big part of the issue. They have this whole “enhanced speed” vs “general speed” vocabulary that they use internally but their website never defines or identifies which markets are a part, and their website is completely false/misleading about when it comes to the list of “compatible with your tier of service” modems list. 

2 Messages

They have no idea what each other is doing... I chatted with tech support about the slow upload and specifically about getting the 100mbps my plan says I should get... they sent me a list of devices that I could get to SPECIFICALLY resolve my slow upload and SPECIFICALLY get 100mbps upload... obviously hey lied to me and I've wasted $200 on a modem that does not give me my 100mbps upload.



168 Messages

@Sky-Guy - Please review this Document and understand the difference between the Sub-Split and the Mid-Split.



6 Messages

1 year ago

Same exact issue. Same exact experience. Same incorrect information on the website encountered. Same Incorrect/misleading information on the PDF download. Same double-digit hours wasted in mindless troubleshooting with under-trained, often offshore low-level techs reading from screens and Googling--literally Googling--to find information to tell me. Same ridiculous Kafka-esque automated phone system that insists on restarting my modem every single time. Based on your website telling me the SB8200 is compatible, I bought it specifically for the upload service upgrade it would provide. Based on multiple calls with Comcast phone reps who erroneously assured me that my model is indeed compatible, even as I patiently and repeatedly explained the symptoms, I kept looking for other explanations and fixes, including the Comcast technician coming to the house to tell me what I already knew: there is nothing wrong with my wiring.

I am so far beyond annoyed that I can hardly describe it. The irony is that your unfortunate customer service reps and technicians are wasting their time and energy, too...and taking the brunt of the frustration of countless customers who have been misled by your sloppy, misleading, and false online information.



12 Messages

1 year ago

Yes. There tech bots, live chat reps, and even their call center folks have absolutely no idea about how to handle this. Only four very expensive, and one $99 modem are even certified for the newer upload speeds. I bought the CODA, and my speeds match my plan, but I must manually unplug at least once a day because my connection drops to .5 Mbps. Ugh. 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

Hey there, @Anon53981! I am very sorry to hear about the experience with getting the speeds and having to manually reset the modem. We would like to dive into further troubleshooting with you. Can you please send us a DM to get started? 

Will you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address?
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• Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
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15 Messages

1 year ago

Signed up last week for an upgrade "deal" with 1Tbps down and 100 up, and with a reduction in price.  My wired download is still 800 down and 23 up with 15ms latency, and the price drop is not showing.  Adding injury to insult, I've got emails saying I'm over limit and owe $50 more so far (month isn't over), even though to my knowledge I've never been close to the limit and should have a "courtesy" month.  AND the usage page doesn't work for the last three months, so I don't know what I've been using lately.



168 Messages

@WillyB46 - What Cable Modem are you using, as only a hand full of models approved and support "Next Gen Speed Tiers",

those are listed above in this Post, there are also eligibility requirements that must be met, to get the faster upload speeds, see the url link above from @BruceW 



15 Messages

Confirmed  Xfinity usage meter has not worked in months.

New Poster


15 Messages

@user_noname​ Motorola MG7700.  Xfinity agent didn't ask when he offered the 1G/100M plan.  Is that why the speed didn't improve?  If that is a problem, I'll add it to the list of reasons I'm leaving Comcast/Xfinity.  The agent also didn't mention there was a $110 penalty if I left within a year.  The stories here are giving me flashback to the days of Qube Cable and RoadRunner.

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hi, @cantrellpc. Thank you for reaching out. I understand you've had some trouble with your usage meter, and we can certainly assist. If you have questions related to the Data Usage Meter, please call us at 1-888-565-4329, and a service representative from the Customer Security Assurance department will be able to help you.

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168 Messages

@WillyB46​ - Motorola MG7700 Gateway is not on the list of approved devices for the "Next Gen Speed Tier", currently there are only 5 approved devices [listed above] for the enhanced upload speeds (one of which is not yet available for sale at the retail - CM3000)



168 Messages

1 year ago

@XfinityJoshuaG - could you please show everybody where did you find the information that this Netgear CM2050v CM is approved for the "Next Gen Speed Tier"?

As it's not on the current list.



108.8K Messages

1 year ago


It was on that list but a couple of months ago but a defect was discovered. They have since removed it from that list. See this post by an employee; 




168 Messages

@EG                       Ok, Thanks!



108.8K Messages

1 year ago

You're welcome.

1 Message

1 year ago

Amazon, $99 Hitron CODA DOCSIS 3.1. Stop wasting time with reviews and second hand modems. This is on the xfinity list and works.



12 Messages

@user_s66u4a​ good luck with the CODA. I returned mine because it was unreliable. It would be fine, then suddenly I wouldn’t have an internet connection despite the led lights reporting everything was fine. I was getting 400up/100down but I would rather have a reliable connection. I went back to my SB modem.  I don’t necessarily blame the manufacturer, but I believe Comcast is not using the latest firmware. If they were, I should be able to see a status page on the same subnet. 

PS: my SB is capable of 1000down/200up but Comcast won’t provision the correct config files. 



6 Messages

@Anon53981​ Working for me so far, I've been using it for a month or two.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hey @user_s66u4a,


Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Community Forums support page. You can find a list of all our supported modems for Next Generation Speeds by visiting our 'Recommended Devices for Our Internet Plans' document. Modems not listed under the "Next Gen Speed Tier" sections are not supported for the increased upload speeds. There are currently 5 supported devices for Next Generation Speed integration.

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2 Messages

1 year ago

This is ridiculous. Have the Arris SB8200 which is a better modem then half on that list, why has comcast not added this one to their Enhanced Internet plan?  Just spent 30 minutes on phone with customer support and they clearly have 0 clue about how any of this works, they're sending out a tech on Monday to check and ensure wiring is correct to the house :D  That should be fun but happy to waste Comcast money because of their laziness and incompetence.

Official Employee


790 Messages

@Lukas111 If it's not a Comcast issue, there can be a $100 service charge for the visit and troubleshooting. You can manage the visit here We understand the feedback and the concern. Once the modem is enhanced correctly, it will be approved for the increased upload speeds. We recommend providing the additional feedback to their support or forum pages, so they can make it happen asap. 

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1 Message

1 year ago

Wow.. I've been a comcast customer for a long time. I recently was thinking to switch to fios because of Comcast's 10mb upload speed finally causing me issues with remote work, but low and behold I got an email last week indicating that my service was finally being modernized and bumped up to 100mbps (thanks to a little push from Uncle Sam's new regulations, no less). Naturally, I was confused to see mine cap out at 24mbps. This thread finally gave me the unfortunate answer. I just bought my SB8200 a couple of years ago, and by all accounts it still has some of the latest and greatest tech, which should be plenty able to support these upload speeds. Is this just artificially not being allowed by Xfinity for some backend approval reasons? 

I guess my question is this- considering the SB8200 is still listed as an approved device for my internet service (let's set aside how insane it is that you need to click on a separate link to discover it's compatible but LIMITED) is Xfinity planning to approve more devices? I'm fine with waiting a few weeks or months for my device to be added rather than shell out another $150 for a new modem. And, no, I do not want to pay comcast $15 a month for their modem. I have my own router and setup just the way I like it. I'm really hoping that modern modems are being further tested and approved. It seems arbitrary to me that it would be limited if it has specs needed to perform at 100-up.



12 Messages

11 months ago

is easy for the to send u to buy another modem, than removed the SB8200 from the list of approve devices. Because this modem will do the download speeds but IT WILL NOT GET THE 100MBPS UPLOAD EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE PLAN.


is simple people, they have to upgrade the software and THEY HAVE NOT!!!!

if u call comcast support they will tell u is fine, and if u call motorola they will tell u is fine and is comcast fault. My take is Xfinity fault and we should sue them, since they list the modem and no where it says we can not get the speed we pay for.

also u will not achieve the speed if xfinity hardware have not been upgraded on ur area, but if u see a plan of 900mbps/100mbps that means the area has been upgraded.

LIKE ALWAYS COMCAST NEED TO GET TO WORK AND REPROVICION THIS MODEM WITH A GOOD SOFTWARE VERSION THAT WORKS FOR THE UPLOAD SPEED, this modem is 3.1 do not get a new one that's good enough and obviously do not under any circumstances get there rental. if u do that they win

New Poster


14 Messages

I completely agree that this is all Xfinity / Comcast’s doing with the SB8200.  With Xfinity / Comcast I never had any OFDM (DOCSIS 3.1) upstream channels, they were all DOCSIS 3.0.

I wasn’t about to buy a new modem again after buying the “top of the line” recommended modem (at the time).  So I was just waiting for them to finally get the right firmware sent out.

Then after a billing increase, I finally had enough and switched over to Astound / Wave Broadband. Now my modem is using the OFDM (DOCSIS 3.1) upstream channel and getting much faster uploads than Xfinity / Comcast.

Thanks Xfinity / Comcast, my modem finally works right now!

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