

2 Messages

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023 2:21 PM


San Jose Internet Outage

I have had no Internet for 24+ hrs and no eta on fix



108.6K Messages

2 years ago

Is there any official info here for official about it ?;


Use a cell phone internet service, a public WiFi hotspot, or a neighbor's internet if you need to to check it.



2 Messages

2 years ago

Yes the xfinity page says due to weather but doesn’t give any timing to fix it

Official Employee


1.7K Messages



We do apologize for any inconvenience; You can track the status of the issue via our amazing Xfinity my account app https://www.xfinity.com/apps and even set up for text alert to be notified once series are back up and running.


I also use this amazing app to pay my bills and trouble shoot my services when there is no know service interruption.


We never expect you to pay for services you cannot use due service interruption therefore we have a self-service link that you can obtain a credit for the downtime once the service is back up and running just visits xfinity.com/support/status and clicks the link, Check eligibility in the Tips in case of an outage section at the bottom of the page.



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