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Saturday, May 11th, 2024 3:02 PM


Questions about replacement Xfinity Gateway

Help me understand this please. I recently responded to your email offering a new Xfinity Gateway, and have received the new device.

Am I correct that this Gateway would replace my current modem and router? I currently rent a Comcast modem, and use my own router. The important reason why I chose to use this Orbi router is that it has SATELLITE EXTENDERS which provide extended Wifi reception around a large house with multiple floors and wings. I am concerned that the Xfinity Gateway's router capabilities will not match the performance of my current setup.

Do you think my concern is justified? Given my need for extended Wifi reception, would you recommend that I install the new Gateway or stick with my current setup?

Thank you for considering my questions.

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6 months ago

@ekladky Hi there! Thanks for reaching out to us on our Forums. Yes, I think you have a very valid concern, and I'm happy to help break down some details. 

With leasing a gateway you will always be able to take advantage of the latest device. While that's fantastic, you are still able to place the gateway into bridge mode to use your own router and extenders as you have it set now. 

Exchanging the gateway for the new device should be easy enough as you would activate the new gateway for your services and access the settings to enable bridge mode. Once the gateway is activated you would simply plug your router into the new gateway and all settings should remain the same. 

Considering your home needs as you have them set now, you may find that you have a better connection keeping your current set up. The new gateway offers nice options and features like advanced security, but the Wi-Fi range may be about the same. If you have our xFicomplete service, you may be eligible for a free Wi-Fi pod if your home assessment shows the need, but that would require you to use the gateway Wi-Fi and possibly limit your home access during that assessment which is about a week long. 

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@XfinityPaula​ Thanks, I have now purchased and installed two Xfinity Wi-Fi pods, and each has a strong connection to the Gateway. The only problem now is temporary lag in signal strength as one moves around the house. When walking from one place to another, the signal strength will suddenly drop very low, and only return to full strength after a few moments. Is this typical? I'm looking for a system that will provide consistent mesh coverage without interruption.

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Howdy ekladky

Have you attempted to reposition the pods? I would recommend the grid being positioned to best take advantage of the wireless range. WiFi Boost Pods perform better when they are directly connected to the gateway. If you have more than one WiFi Boost Pod, keep the remaining Pods halfway between your gateway and other areas without coverage around your home to avoid a connection hop (Pods that are connected to the gateway through another Pod).



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I gave up on the pods after trying various configurations, but now I have another question:

I'm going to operate the Gateway in bridge mode to use my own router and extenders. The instructions for my new 6E mesh system specify that removal of the modem battery is required.

So, does the Gateway have a battery, and how to I remove it?


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ekladky Great question! You're Xfi Gateway can have a battery but a Battery Backup can be purchased for your Xfinity Voice modem to provide additional hours of service during a power outage. So if you have not purchased a back up battery then you just need to unplug the modem from the power to cycle it. 


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