

2 Messages

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022 8:05 PM


Printer won't connect

The printer used to work but not anymore. It doesn't accept the wifi password. It's printing out that the MAC address is failing. What do we do? I don't understand what it means. 🙄

Official Employee


553 Messages

3 years ago

Hello @user_8996c5, thanks for reaching out for help on our forums! I understand how surprising it can be when a device suddenly stops working the way it usually does. You've reached the right team of experts, and we can certainly assist with your Wi-Fi concern. 


Do you know what the make and model of the printer is? Do you have trouble with any other devices connecting to the same Wi-Fi network? 



2 Messages

@XfinityNico​ the printer is a Epson 2720. If you need more info let me know. Also there are no other connection problems. Also if you need the print out from the printer,I could take a picture of it or write down what it says.

Gold Problem Solver


541 Messages

Thank you for providing this information for us. In my home, my WiFi has two bandwidths, the 2.4 and 5.0 connections. I recently had a similar experience, where my printer stopped communicating to my laptop. To fix it, I had to make sure the WiFi bandwidth was the same on my laptop and my printer. Can you please check the WiFi connection on your computer and your printer to see if they are on the same WiFi network? 

I no longer work for Comcast

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