

7 Messages

Sunday, February 27th, 2022 12:43 AM


port forwarding ... doesn't

I've been trying to forward a port to play some minecraft with my daughter for a couple days now. I can go to the xfi website, follow the instructions and tell it to open the port for my PC. Xfi reports the port is forwarded and I am good to go, but no one outside my network can see the server. I've tried various online tests and all report the port as closed. I've tried turning off windows firewall completely, and still no good. I got the option to "click here to have someone call you" about this, but no one ever did. Today I tried the online chat feature, but the tech just sent me the port forwarding instructions from the xfi website - the ones I'd already followed. Then told me to wait and hour and follow them again - I guess he meant remove the port forwarding and try to set it up again? So I did that. Nada. I hit reddit and the forums here and saw plenty of people with the same problem with advanced security, so I turned off the advanced security stuff. No go. I checked the port forwarding to make sure the IP was actually pointing to my computer (it is) and to make sure I'm using DHCP and not a static IP. I'm at a loss as to what to do now, though from the articles scattered around the internet this seems to be a common problem with xfinity. Any suggestions? (other than set the modem to bridge mode and buy myself a router). 

Gold Problem Solver


3.4K Messages

3 years ago

Hello @user_b7dc52! Thanks so much for reaching out to us here on the Xfinity Forums for support.


When it comes to port forwarding, we do provide this guide here, but it is something we strongly advise against as it opens your network up to major security risks. As an avid Mincraft player myself, this is only something I would recommend if you need to host a modded server for a large number of players and have a separate rig you can dedicate to the task. 


Personally I would recommend looking into alternatives in the scenario you provided. If you both happen to be in the same home, then running a LAN server would be a great fit! You would both be able to play together without compromising your network security and still be able to enjoy whatever mods you want to add. On the other hand if you are not in the same home and are just looking to play some vanilla MC, then I recommend checking into Minecraft realms. If you are wanting to enjoy some of the many amazing mods available though, I highly recommend leasing a server. Many of them have super friendly management interfaces and you can keep the servers up 24/7 so either of you can play at any time instead of depending on your PC being available to host. When you get into modding, Minecraft can get a bit complex pretty fast and these leased servers are a great way to quickly make changes so you can get to playing faster. 


I hope this helps, but please let us know if you have any further questions/concerns. :) 


Happy Gaming!!  



7 Messages

@XfinityTambrey​ so basically you "allow" port forwarding but in practice don't actually allow it?

Problem Solver


729 Messages

It's not that we don't allow it, we just advise against it. Earlier we did suggest a couple of different ideas. Are you able to try any of those? 

I no longer work for Comcast.



7 Messages

the link you gave me is just to the instructions on how to forward a port. I followed those; my issue is that xfi shows the port as forwarded yet it is still closed. I appreciate the other options for minecraft, but I'm planning on running a server using port forwarding, so I need to figure out why you guys seem to still have the port closed.

Problem Solver


729 Messages

By chance, are you renting a modem or do you own your own? Other than the message about click here to call, are you seeing anything else like "sorry this won't work? 

I no longer work for Comcast.



7 Messages

renting from you guys. When I followed the port forwarding directions it didn't give me any errors or anything, and when I go into the network details it shows one port forwarded for this PC - the one I'm trying to forward. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be working - on my last rig I was running a minecraft server for a bit and didn't have any issues setting it up, but that was before I got the new modem/router combo from you guys. I was kind of expecting a "no, we don't allow this with advanced security" from all the posts on reddit, but it never said anything. I have advanced security off at the moment anyway - the less things turned on, the less things that could be causing problems

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