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Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 2:05 PM


Poor Xfi coverage

I have the Xfinity Complete 1200 mbs plan and I don’t get full coverage in my home. For the price I pay each month I should have full coverage in my home. I have tried to move the modem with no luck. I have worked with customer service and reset my devices multiple times. I have added a Pod but it only barely helps at one end of the house. I have also moved that Pod and when I dd loose connection of items at the other end of the house. I need a second Pod and my account says WiFi equipment is included with my plan, how do I get a second pod? 

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7 months ago


Buckeyejh, Thanks for reaching out to Xfinity Support. When you had the whole home assessment done, that were included with the Xfi Complete, what were the results of that assessment? 


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Honestly I don’t remember, I do know is that’s when I got the email for the free pods (plural) but when I tried to redeem the pods in the link I couldn’t get it to work. I spoke with customer service a few times over several months and finally ended up getting a pod but just one. If I move the pod from the hallway to the garage side I loose internet on that side of the house both upstairs and down and also my doorbell and porch (cameras and security). If I move the pod back to the hallway I then loose connection at the back side of the house, the deck and in my garage. 

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Buckeyejh, I would be happy to check into this for you. 

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7 months ago

@Buckeyejh Thank you for working with us via DM. With our 2nd generation WiFi Boost Pods, xFi Complete customers are eligible to get 1 free pod. Additional pods may be purchased if your home's layout or size still leads to dead spots. Due to the varying floor plans and construction materials out there, we cannot guarantee perfect wall-to-wall coverage, but we will do everything possible to help. Our Gateway + Pod solution works for a large majority of homes out there. I am sorry that it is not working for yours. https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/improve-your-wireless-home-network has a bunch of recommendations for getting the most out of your wireless network. Some of the most important ones are eliminating interference and keeping your equipment out in the open.

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5 months ago

Same issue.  8 years I had full house coverage. Now NO!

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user_ewjp2d, I know this must be frustrating. I have two pods in my home and it took a bit of trial and error to figure out the best location for both of them. The other thing I had to do was to make sure my modem was in the best location so that it could be reached by at least one pod. Our newer pods are more powerful. If your home is larger, having two would be most effective. Check out this article and see if it helps. https://www.xfinity.com/learn/internet-service/wifi/xfi-pod


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