

21 Messages

Friday, August 30th, 2024 10:06 PM

Please Help! Packet loss.

Good afternoon, I've been getting packet loss on multiple devices, using both wireless and hard-wired LAN connections. I have replaced all my cables including both CAT6A and RG6, done factory resets, purchased a new router, tried different PCs,  rebooted the modem and router etc. I have followed all the telephone-support Comcast requests as well such as restarting modem etc. The problem is the same, constant consistent packet loss similar to what is shown below. Quite recently it has been around 5%-7 (including today). Packet loss always occurs and creates an intermittent connection. Someone please help!



21 Messages

20 days ago

Example below showing the packet loss. This is a constant problem during peak internet usage hours (when community is using internet) such as 6-9PM, but also occurs other times. I was told the problem is on Comcast's end which is what my troubleshooting also confirmed.


Official Employee


1.7K Messages

18 days ago

Hi @user_please_help

Good afternoon, and thank you for reaching out. I appreciate you taking the time to create a new post I'm really sorry to hear about the persistent packet loss issues you've been experiencing. I can understand how frustrating it must be, especially after trying so many steps on your own to resolve it. 

I see you sent a direct message as well, and I wanted to remind you that sending an unsolicited direct message is a violation of the community guidelines. We ask that you please make a public post, which you did, and wait for our reply. This helps us manage the incoming posts and messages to ensure everyone gets the help they need. 

From what you've described, you've replaced all your network cables with new CAT6A and RG6 cables, doing factory resets, purchasing a new router, and testing different PCs and devices, both wired and wireless. You've also rebooted your modem and router multiple times, followed all troubleshooting steps provided by our support team, and even bought a new modem, trying a total of four modems. Despite all these efforts, you're still experiencing consistent packet loss of around 5-7%, which is causing an intermittent connection. 

Does this only occur when gaming on specific platforms and devices? Do you play while using a VPN or port forwarding setup? Since this started, have you inspected your network levels and event logs for any red flags?



21 Messages

@XfinityVianney​ Hi Vianney, thanks for the response. It occurs on all platforms and devices. No, I don't use a VPN. Yes, I've inspected my network many times. Lately the packet loss has been getting worse, up to 16-20% during peak community use hours (Ex. 6-9pm). Example below.



21 Messages

@user_please_help​ Note: In the past when this has occurred Comcast has been able (after many phone calls and messages) to fix it on their end for a while. Then after a few months typically the packet loss returns. I realize construction companies are building a lot of new homes in my area, but this is a repeat, reoccurring issue as Comcast adds more customers and increases their base network speeds. Before adding more customers, could Comcast please verify the increased network demand won't create packet loss?

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