Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 8:33 AM


Packet loss when it’s cold outside UPDATE

I had a technician come out on Sunday to check on my internet and found no physical problems to my house. And after checking my connection he found that I had dropped connection over 300 times over the past month. He had also checked 6 other neighbors connections and found that 4 out of the 6 of them are also dropping connection an insane amount. And the 4 that were having problems all had the Newer generation white box router. The 2 neighbors that didnt have this issue had the older black tower routers. So if you live in a cold area where it can get down to 36-32 degrees and still own your black tower DO NOT UPGRADE. I saw another post about this a year ago and many people were having the same issue. I’m assuming it was never resolved. I’m going to buy a new router tomorrow and see if that fixes it as it is supposed to stay below 30 degrees every night for the next couple of weeks.

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Extreme packet loss at night

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