

4 Messages

Monday, December 13th, 2021 12:37 PM


Packet Loss resulting in disconnects

Everytime I attempt to play COD Vanguard I get packet loss to the point of a disconnect. I will ping fine for awhile and everything will run smoothly, then out of the blue a packet loss and disconnect. I have forwarded ports. I have updated all software and devices. The only game it seems to happen on is this one. I have tried resetting the Gateway and the problem always returns.  I am wired as well so not a WiFi problem. 

Accepted Solution



4 Messages

3 years ago

I have found the problem. If you rent an Xfi Gateway the Xfinity DNS server is unchangeable. It is a safety feature in which I believe they should allow to be up to the user to change. It prevents DNS hijacking. Call of Duty servers do not play well with Xfinity DNS servers. I went out and bought an Arris G36 gateway. I then went into the router settings ( and changed my DNS server to OpenDNS. Google DNS is also confirmed to work as well. After this I rebooted the modem and confirmed my DNS server was changed and voila! No more disconnects. No more being in the middle of a match and getting disconnected from Battle.net. The error lies in the Xfinity DNS servers.




106.2K Messages

3 years ago



4 Messages

I have turned that setting off to no avail. The packet loss is honestly a mystery. Sometimes the Battle.net app will disconnect which will disconnect me as well. For some reason it is only COD Vanguard and War zone. I'm not sure if it is because of a route that the connection takes. I thought it could even be a graphic related issue after reading about the packet burst but to no avail. Ive tried to check packet loss with all other games and they all run great. I will try to tinker with other graphic settings to see if it is possibly related to something graphical just to rule that out.  Just a mystery of what could be causing a sudden loss of packets. Seems loading into new games is always an issue and sometimes randomly in the middle of a match. Nat is open as well. Figured I'd just touch base here to see if anyone else has experienced this.

New Problem Solver


617 Messages

Good morning @tweak147

I appreciate all the details you have provided with the packet loss. As a gamer, I know packet loss can be such a pain especially in the middle of something. I know you mentioned looking into the graphic settings, has that helped at all? If not, we're happy to look into things on our end and see what we can do to help! 

I no longer work for Comcast.



106.2K Messages

3 years ago

O/k. It could be routing or it could be that their servers are overloaded. Contact their technical support with the complaint. Good luck !

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