Sunday, September 1st, 2024 6:07 PM

Packet Loss and Questional Support Responses

I'm trying to figure out how to actually get support for an issue wherein at 8PM every night till 6:30AM I have a consistent average of about 10-20% packet loss or more.  Download speeds are just fine, 1.2-1.3gbit fairly consistently but my upload speeds go from a consistent 38-41mbit to almost nothing, 0.2mbit or less.

I'm not uploading anything during these times or having any heavy use what so ever, I can watch my WAN statistics and there's almost no use, during that time there's usually only a single device turned on and using the network and for all things... its being used for voice calls during that time which is why I noticed the issue, the calls are around 384kbit in quality and thats about all there is for bandwidth use during these times on average.

The systems I use are HARD WIRED, I'm using managed 2.5gbit switching equipment with 10gbit uplinks between rooms of my house and an S33v2 cable modem, the cabling is CAT6A and CAT8 premanufactured cabling and I don't have any issues with speed or loss within the internal network.

The Comcast support system tells me there's nothing wrong with my connection, and by looking at the modem stats... yeah, that's correct.

All downstream channels show 2-3dBmV for power, 40dB for SNR solid and very low corrected and uncorrectable errors overtime.

All upstream channels show 36-44dBmV

My front yard was dug up and I had a straight home run brought in when I started my service with Comcast, there are no splitters or amps on my line.

I cannot get through to a real support person via the phone because the automate system tells me I'm not allowed to talk to one since there's no issues with my connection that it can find and thus apparently no reason to talk to someone, I cannot express enough my extreme disdain for the automated system at this point, more so when it decided I needed a service tech to come out and look at my line as my only recourse.

The tech visited today and just left, everything about my physical install is perfect, beautiful, great numbers on the modem, no issues, all in great shape.  I spoke with the tech for a while and they essentially told me they can't do anything other than close the ticket out, can't ask the headend team to look into anything, can't tell me if there's maintenance causing it, etc, etc.

The tech that visited literally told me not to take the survey because it was obvious how dissatisfied I was, that is a mildly insane thing to have happen since I knew they wouldn't find an issue and I didn't want them out anyways, that was the decision of the automated system I've been forced to deal with.

Where do I go from here?

I'm already paying $144 a month for residential service, previously I had the business plan (though I'm not a business!) to get better support before, do I literally need to upgrade to paying $399 a month to have my concerns taken seriously...?

7 Messages

18 days ago

To follow up.

The tech called and asked if they could come to my appointment early, which I said sure, they showed up at around 10:20AM for a Noon-2PM original appointment.

At 11:42AM I got an automated text that "Your Xfinity tech is on their way and will be arriving soon!"

... the appointment had already happened, he came, he looked, he left. What do you mean they'll be arriving soon?

12:13PM I get another automated text "Your tech is onsite for a scheduled appt. Please greet them as soon as possible."

... I walked to the door immediately, walked outside... looked around, stood there for a while... nobody showed up, the appointment had already happened, the tech had already been on site at 10:20AM, what?

12:24PM I get yet another automated text "We're sorry we missed you. Your appointment is now cancelled. Reply APPT to reschedule your appointment. TxtHelpOrStop"

.... WHAT....? I didn't miss the appointment, the tech called me and asked to show up early, they did, the appointment happened, I didn't miss them, they didn't miss me.  I guess due to the nature of the call and the obvious dissatisfaction presented the tech didn't actually mark the service call, then when it was supposed to happen, they just marked it as a missed visit? I have a call log, there's on my security cameras... the visit did in fact happen.

What is going on with this?

7 Messages

You know, since the tech really wanted me to swap my new modem with another new modem, I did just that tonight.

EXACTLY 8PM rolled around and wouldn't you know, the packet loss came back ON THE DOT almost as if there's maintenance or something being performed or some other automated issue...

I swapped my Arris S33v2 with a brand new out of the box just purchased today Hitron CORDA56 and provisioned it right away, brand new. never been used, I even changed the COAX cable out with the one that came in the box with it so its brand new and can't be an issue of something old and broken.

.... Same issue....

If its not the modem, and its not the signal strength, not the signal to noise ratio, power, physical install, and the line quality, install and physical nature of all the cabling involved is not at fault... it kinda has to be a problem that isn't on my property or anything to do with the modem or install.

Seriously how do I get support for this issue?

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

Hello @Duser, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media. I rely on my internet daily and can appreciate you wanting it to work consistently. I'd be happy to run some troubleshooting for you today. Troubleshooting can also be done through the My Account App or online at https://www.xfinity.com/support/internet#troubleshooting.


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106K Messages

16 days ago

@Duser @XfinityKrista 

Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open public forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.

7 Messages

@EG​ Well, the only updates I have so far are not exactly encouraging and its a continued and unforced extreme fumble on Comcast/Xfinity's side

I eventually got through via the 1-800 phone system to a real live person on Tuesday 9/3/24 at 8:25PM pacific time for an 18 minute call.

The customer rep on the line confirmed they were seeing packet loss and issues with my line, noted the previous tech visit and that I'd already changed my modem out and that the issue was still present.  Whats interesting is they were able to tell me how long I've had the issue (since before the tech visit and something I never said over text) after looking into it and asked me to confirm the length of time which I did, so obviously they were able to see something in the logs on their end showing the issue going back from before I even made an attempt to get support.

I was told by the customer rep on the phone that they would need to dispatch a line tech to resolve the issue, someone above the previous tech who was unable to do really anything beyond the cabling at the termination at my residence.  I was offered multiple times, the first available appointment was Friday, 1PM to 3PM pacific time which I took immediately, I confirmed this multiple times and confirmed that it was in fact a line tech not a home installer who would be coming out and was assured both of the appointment and that it would be a real actual line tech coming out to resolve the issues they were seeing.

After this I got a direct message back here, explained the situation and was told to check back in with them on Friday after the appointment even though they couldn't see the appointment when they checked, this was the first red flag and should have been an immediate cause for concern on the customer service side of things.

Since I never got a text today reminding me of the appointment or any contact from the tech as I'd expect and experienced before, I tried to talk to a 'live agent' through the support assistant, and I did!

I see the tech has not yet been dispatched. However you'll receive the call within the time frame provided from the technician :)

Yes, the technician usually comes within the timeframe, but sometimes they may be delayed if they are stuck at a previous job. Sure, Here's the ticket number (REMOVED)

Ok... if the tech wasn't dispatched, how are they coming? If the tech hasn't contacted me, how will I receive a call within the time frame provided from the technician... I've never talked to?

That was at around 2:15PM wherein I had simply asked to confirm that the tech had been dispatched and wasn't otherwise delayed past 3PM, etc, simple request, easy request, soft ball problem for customer service to knock out of the park.

Well, as I'm writing this sentence its 3:35PM, when I call the 1-800 number and try to talk to the automated system and ask about my existing appointment, it tells me I don't have one and my only other recourse is to wait nearly an hour to talk to someone who will likely tell me that it was never scheduled and that I'll have to start all over again.

Ya'll... going to be real with you for a moment, I literally work in the network infrastructure field, its my job, I've fired vendors and cancelled contracts for far less than this in my day to day dealings in past and current employment, this is comically embarrassing at this point.

7 Messages

So I'm on the phone with Comcast/Xfinity now, I got a call back shortly after posting this.

I asked about my call on Tuesday and my appointment.

I was told directly by the customer service rep that there were no meaningful notes beyond it happening for the Tuesday call, nothing was scheduled and this is the most important part, I was told that it is common practice that customer service reps will lie about making this type of appointment.

I'm now still on the phone because I am being direct to a resolutions department to get a copy of the call of them admitting that as well as the original call on Tuesday.

Ok now I am legitimately laughing at this situation as sad as it is, I can't make this up...


Followup to the above since I didn't hot post yet.

All the 'resolution' department is, if you've ever worked a call center you'll understand this, is... just a 'level 2' CR, they've been dithering with me for nearly an hour just doing the old tired trick of saying back to me exactly what I say to them and then going "mm" and not doing anything.  They've refused anything regarding the transcripts or the call or recordings, they've magically found more information and notes about my call on 9/3, read all of them back to me and... oh boy, here's the kicker.

Eventually we got to the point where I was told that I would need to pay $100 to schedule a tech visit that and I am not joking again this is a quote from the call "confirmed to be with the Comcast infrastructure" outside of my property and not my own after the initial tech visit.

I'm wildly entertained by this now!

7 Messages

12 days ago

Ahhh it continues and continues to be an incredibly wild ride.

XfinityJeniece yesterday helped me get an appointment after I was cast off to a null line on the Comcast PBX after 1hr and 38minutes of essentially nothing helpful as you can see and read above, I was all set with the appointment confirmed by XfinityVictor in direct messages, I finally had a tech coming out to look into the issue.

This morning at 9:29AM I got a text message from Xfinity out of the blue:

Your Xfinity appt. on 9/9, arrival between 7:30-8:30AM, has been cancelled.

Visit http://xfinity.com/support for help.

 Txt Help or Stop. Msg&DataRatesMayApply

.... Excuse me what?

Oh it gets better, because at the exact same time I got an email from online.communications@alerts.comcast.net stating:

The mobile number ending in (NUMBERS REMOVED) previously associated with your Xfinity ID has been removed.

And when I logged in, the number had been changed to end in a different digit, not a whole new number, just the one ending digit was changed.

To be clear, I didn't cancel the appointment, didn't call in, wasn't logged in doing anything, never changed or modified my number, etc.

XfinityThomasA looked into it after I sent them a message minutes after this happened and.... can't find a record of the appointment now even though two message up in the direct messaging with Xfinity Support shows the scheduling of the appointment...

Should I just start posting call recordings and screenshots at this point? This post is starting to to descend into a level of silliness that defies being believed and I may need to just... post actual links to audio and screenshots of things like the live assistant chats, direct message chats, etc so people don't think this is someone trolling :P



19 Messages

12 days ago

FYI unless Comcast policies have changed, if your issue truly does need a line tech, then there will be no way you can directly initiate that yourself, and no way you can really speed up the process. This was told to me directly by J. Livingood, a senior employee at Comcast at the time. Good luck, I lived in a place for 5 years with bad upstream performance from Comcast and it never got fixed. The only "resolution" was moving.....


7 Messages

@train_wreck​ Its strange because for years its been absolutely /rock solid/ with the statistics on my (various modems over the years) being so good that usually techs would be genuinely surprised at the line quality.

They [EDIT: language] something up to cause the sudden issue and I guess they really don't want to fix it, which is really weird because like 6 months ago the city ran municipal fiber with a tap to /every single house/ in my neighborhood and I don't think Comcast will have a single customer left when they light up that network soon, they'd need to roll out their mid splits and 2gbit service or something to make it worth anyone's while because the customer service certainly doesn't ;D

But yeah, either the trunk/amp is [EDIT: language] up (you'd think the first tech would have figured that out...?) or the node is jank, the stats at the line card in the chassis have to be pretty bad given the numbers but legit nobody seems to care over there, its wild, the only provider I've ever seen give less of a [EDIT: language] about anything is Frontier :P


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