Friday, November 22nd, 2024 5:57 PM

Not getting anywhere close to 2000 Mbps on Xfinity Router + Hardwired

Hello, My service is fairly new and I am not getting anywhere near the paid connection (2000 Mbps) speeds using the Xfinity router! I am hardwired by ethernet cable (900 Mbps) and significantly slower on Wifi (600 Mbps) if next to the router and drops quite a bit (below 400 Mbps) you go a bit further for example the next room - I am curious if I am on the wrong plan + why the drastic drop?

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

2 months ago

Good morning, thank you for reaching out about your current speed concerns. Are you still experiencing issues with the speed at this time? 


A great starting point is ourXfinity Internet Troubleshooting Tips created by our Community Experts. 


Please let us know if this helps or if you are still experiencing issues. 

3 Messages

I will check it out and go from there more to come...



160 Messages

2 months ago


- ethernet cable (900 Mbps) 

I suspect you've only got a gig ethernet connection there. Please check that the device you're using actually has an ethernet port that is capable of a 2 gig connection, that your ethernet cable is at least cat6, and that any hubs or switches in the line (IF there are any) also support at least 2gig connections.

-Wifi (600 Mbps) 

Thats pretty darn good for Wifi. Please take a look here for what speeds you can actually expect to get from a wifi connection:


good luck!


3 Messages

I honestly did not think about the adapter but I will check on that and test again on both of my Macs are fairly new - I am also using CAT8 - Thanks

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