3 Messages
No internet connection. No outages reported. Can’t find my modem.
I am using a Xfinity Gateway for my modem and router. I have no internet connection. My US/DS light is flashing non stop. I have tried resetting, new cables, even a different modem. Still nothing. The app tells me there are no outages but it can’t connect to my modem/router. I even tried re-activating it. I’m at a loss. This just randomly happened last Friday.
Official Employee
1.2K Messages
7 months ago
Hey there, user_zv4dti! Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us here on the Xfinity Forums. I am sorry to hear about the experience with your modem. Are you still having troubles with the connection and the modem?
109.3K Messages
7 months ago
@user_zv4dti @XfinityAdrienne @XfinityBradM
Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open public forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.