Sunday, September 8th, 2024 6:28 PM

New Xfi Galaxy swap is not working

Today swapped my old outdated modem for a new one and it is blinking a yellow/orange color instead of white so it wont connect to the app. Attached is a picture (color looks white but is actually more like amber irl). What can I do so I can finally connect it to the app? The closest time someone can come in is on Tuesday which is pretty inconvenient. 



106.3K Messages

24 days ago

The concern is not "Community Center" help related. Topic moved here to the Home Networking help section for assistance. 

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

23 days ago


Thank you for choosing Xfinity and joining us here on the Forums, user_a19uye - This link has a quick video with step-by-step instructions which may help. You can also sign up for the Appointment Waitlist or check your waitlist place in line by responding 'waitlist' to 266278. You'll receive a reminder the day before your appointment. You'll also receive real-time alerts about when our tech will arrive.


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