34 Messages
New Modem And Electrical Noise Being Generated By It ?
Have just installed that new Modem they required.
Picked it up at the local Framingham store.
It's the "big" white brick style.
Have finally been able to configure it, and get working.
Two questions, please:
I do a lot of short wave listening as a hobby.
Getting an incredible amount of noise (RFI) on 135.0 MHz. All the time; continuous.
Anyone know anything about this ?
Any other sw hobbyists that can verify for me ?
There was a very, very old Post on Radio regarding
the noise generation by Comcast Routers.
It took me so long to get it working, I am very reluctant to shut it off, or disconnect
any of the cables, to see if the noise goes away.
Second Question: My old setup used the Comcast Modem feeding a Cisco Router. The new one also feeds this same Cisco Router.
I see there are a bunch of LAN spigots on the back of this new Modem.
Can the Comcast Modem be used as a Router instead of the Cisco Router I now have hooked up to it ?
Much thanks; appreciate the help,
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