9 Messages
Motorola MB8611 modem frequently loses connection to Xfinity/reboots (yeah same here)
I seem to be able to relate to nearly everything people have posted in Motorola MB8611 modem frequently loses connection to Xfinity/reboots | Xfinity Community Forum.
I purchased my MB8611 last April to go along with a speed upgrade after seeing that the equipment is Comcast/Xfinity certified. The line to my house was unprotected and poor and so crew came out and replaced it about a month later. (Great crew BTW.) Since then we've never achieved the target speeds, but it was an improvement. (Best I can do is 320Mbps down out of expected 1Gbps plan.) But so unreliable and unpredictable. We can go a couple of days without seeing an issue and then we'll have several drops in a couple hours. I cannot relate the drops to any usage patterns in our household.
I have chatted with tech support a number of times including two days ago. On multiple occasions a tech has been scheduled and then I get a message the next morning that someone has reviewed the issue and made a correction -- would I like to cancel my appointment. That "fix" usually seems to last around 24 hours or it is coincidence. The last cycle of this was two days ago. I did not cancel my appointment as it was another day out. Sure enough there were three drops the morning before appointment. (My router's system log has a very regular pattern when the drop happens; so, I now can so how often it happens even if I no one is actively using internet.)
A senior technician arrived and did basic line test for noise and claimed all is good. I mentioned that others have suggested that troubles arise from neighbors with older/faulty equipment. I do know that no one else has tried to update in last 5+ years and definitely will have the same unshielded lines to their homes. One said they think reliability has gone down in the last 2 years. Tech said others don't seem to have a problem so nothing he can do for me without seeing the issue. And so concluded that it must be my modem. I asked that he be sure to get that to me in email or such so I can get Motorola to replace it but I haven't seen that so far.
What I can say is that a prior tech did see the drop while present using their own equipment. They also found that cable coming to the wall panel by modem was bent and shielding had been damaged. Pretty sure this was after checking line noise and thinking things were fine. So, they fixed that and expected that to be the end of it. But I don't know how techs can expect customers to demonstrate the issue while they are there. In my opinion Comcast needs to be monitoring better to be able to detect problems. The tech I most recently spoke to didn't really know what data Comcast actually has access to.
To continue my situation, I engaged Motorola support and shared modem data. The rep doesn't understand how the Comcast tech can say things were good based on the connection report from the modem that I shared. The rep did confirm that once a sufficient number of errors are reached the modem will restart itself. That is designed behavior. (Unfortunately, the device doesn't keep a specific log that says it restarted itself to deal with that, but from the errors the rep is very confident.) So Motorola is going to replace the modem but doesn't expect it will make a difference. (I will incur a shipping cost to return the maybe defective or maybe perfectly fine device. :( )
I am hoping that someone can confirm from my connection report whether there is a line issue as Motorola says or it could be the device as Comcast speculates:
And here are the results 2.5 hours later:
Additional things that I wonder. Why is there a repeated pattern of contacting support and getting a tech service scheduled to then have someone else say they have fixed the issue? Since this repeats across customers isn't there something better that can be done? These modems are Xfinity Certified .. should that certification be rescinded? What is the deal?
There is a hint at the end of thread I posted that there is a known issue on Comcast side that just isn't fully being acknowledged. The Motorola rep kinda hinted at the same.
44 Messages
2 years ago
Comcast has no incentive to help remediate the issue because their fallback is 'it's not our equipment'.
I had 2 techs come out to tell me also they don't get 'invited' to any network engineering meetings or rollouts calls.
That just tells me that Comcast is a disjointed behemoth that can never be customer centric.
BTW - I have all of your symptoms & am debating if I should take Moto up on their replacement warranty.
I am staring @ my email ticket with them & don't know if i should replace perfectly good hardware for same but new hardware or $25 shipping cost.
6 Messages
2 years ago
Like many others I have the same story with the MB8611. Same reboots. Same Xfinity calls. Same Xfinity tech visits. Same calls to Motorola. But today (jan 31) after what seemed like an unusally good network day... I noticed that my MB8611 software has been downgraded to 19.2.18. And the connection has been stable for 14 hours. This is after an "upgrade" yesterday evening from version 19.2.20 to 19.3.7 that sent the modem into a tailspin with even more frequent reboots.
I hope this downgrade is an honest effort to fix the issue that so many customers are having.
I am curious if anyone else has seen a downgrade of their MB8611 software.
9 Messages
2 years ago
For me, another tech came out a few days ago and found a fitting that they thought was suspicious. After replacing that we had the longest period of uninterrupted connection since I've been keeping detailed records. (Speed was 20Mbps higher than any prior but still way below advertised.) Motorola also was in contact and said there was an update that is meant to address frequent connection drops and requested that I reset (hold reset 30s while powered) the device.
Before reset we had and update of 3 days and 6 hours with:
Hardware Version
Software Version
CM Certificate
From the stats I grabbed at 3 days and 4 hours, OFDM PLC was showing 1,894,237,099 corrected errors and 1 uncorrected.
After reset the connection lasted 105 minutes before dropping. The software version is now rolled back to -19.2.18.
28 Messages
2 years ago
I understand if you get the replacement device under the warranty program the return of the original unit is at your expense. The cost is likely not substantial, but reports that the replacement unit fixed the problem are few and far between. I bought an Arris S33 after my 8611 problems. The S33 is working flawlessly. I'm hoping that whenever my S33 gives up the ghost down the road that the 8611 issues would be resolved and I may still yet get value from it.
34 Messages
2 years ago
Do not cave in to Motorola's greedy ways of making you pay for shipping. They will provide a return label if you pester them enough. I will let you know that it does not fix anything though.
2 Messages
2 years ago
I'm another Xfinity user that is experiencing intermittent internet drops after upgrading to a Motorola MB8611. Xfinity came out 3 days ago and dropped new coaxial cable from the street to my house. Said their test showed it had 3 abrasions. The problem is still continuing so I'm going to see about getting a different modem.
9 Messages
2 years ago
I have continued experimenting with my network since my last post. The biggest success I had was a period of 5.5 days without modem resetting itself. For the first 3 days I had modem connected directly to line without the cable boxes connected (and no splitter; just joiner). After 3 days I replaced the joiner with the unpowered splitter. I, of course, can't say why the reset happened in the end. I do know there were three resets in the next 6 hours. I checked the software version after the second reset and it had rolled back from -21.3.7 to -19.2.18.
I have now added back one of the cable boxes to see how things go.
3 Messages
2 years ago
I'm having similar issues.
I receive this error somewhat regularly from a new Motorola MB8611 cable modem:
Mon Feb 20 2023
The logs in the netgear router reflect the same:
[Internet connected] IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx, Monday, Feb 20,2023 17:29:51
[Internet disconnected] Monday, Feb 20,2023 17:29:50
I recently replaced my Arris G36 modem because it was unreliable, and now with a new modem and router, I am experiencing similar issues.
An xfinity tech came out to the house before to inspect the lines, and they found a lot of noise on them. They cleaned that up, we also removed the amplifiers and splitters, so now there is only a single line from with a splitter at the end for the modem and cable box.
Is there further troubleshooting that can be done to fix this? If this is happening with two different modems, I'm thinking that it might be the lines. Thank you
109K Messages
2 years ago
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12 Messages
2 years ago
Ok, so for what it is worth, my web pages not loading issue was a misconfiguration in my home network. Now that I have that sorted out, my speed seems to be locked at 600M, not the 1.2G I'm supposed to be getting, so I have requested help in a different message. Also, I swapped my S33 back in and it is getting the same speed, so hopefully this is just a provisioning issue on Comcast's side.
2 Messages
2 years ago
Update from my post a month ago: My problem with intermittent internet loss with my Motorola MB8611 Modem has magically disappeared. I had received an Arris Surfboard S33 from Amazon, but I never installed it because my internet became more stable. My only guess is that Motorola finally sent a corrective firmware out. I guess I'll never know for sure, but I'm glad it has been resolved. Returning my unopened Arris modem to Amazon.
4 Messages
2 years ago
I am experiencing the same as everyone else. Have had the 8611 for a year with no issues until recently. Had good luck with Surfboard in the past. May try that route, but will check with Comcast and Motorola first. People have mentioned their warranty, but it's not clear what it is. Will look for that next. So frustrating!
19 Messages
2 years ago
I purchased a new Motorola MB8600 three days ago after my Arris 6141 experienced weeks of intermittent connectivity. The second tech came out and recommended that I replace my 2020 Arris 6141 as he didn't see any other problems on the Comcast side. I've had three Xfinity techs come out to explore the issue, and the third one scratched his head this morning (6/18/23) and said, "In my ten years of working at Xfinity, I've never seen this issue and am completely stumped." They have put in a Xfinity modem/router to see if I continue to have issues. I really don't want one, but I agreed to try it out free for 30 days.
So I've had two different brands of my own modem do exactly the same thing. Time out, then re-up and work again. Sometimes for 24 hours, sometimes for 2, sometimes for just 15 minutes. All over the last month. Very random. From what I'm reading, I need to reconnect the modems I now own and download the history from Arris and Motorola. If there seems to be an issue, then call (sigh) each of these companies to try and figure out what is wrong and replace at least one of them...or go to an Arris SB33, which someone bought and installed and then had no issues whatsoever.
But I also read that it might be a noise filter that XFINITY installed without my knowledge. How do I find out if they did that? Because if they did and I can remove it, this might save me HOURS of trying to decipher what is wrong with the cable modems themselves.