5 Messages
Motorola MB8611 Downstream Channel bonding
I have a MB8611 modem that the downstream arrow will start to blink showing that that channel bonding negotiation is trying to happen. To fix this I have to reboot the modem and it will last either a day or two or sometimes just an hour or two and then goes back to blinking. I am attaching the error logs and the channel settings if anyone can point me in a direction to resolve this issue.
[Image Removed: "Personal Information"]
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
3 years ago
Hey there @user_4f79d1 Thank you so much for reaching out and letting us know about the channel bonding issue! Is the modem disrupting your connections when this occurs? How are the T3/T4 timeouts?
108.6K Messages
3 years ago
It appears that your image of the error log entries has been removed due to it containing your modem's CM MAC address and the CMTS MAC address which is considered to be personal information. The posting of personally identifiable information is a violation of their forum guidelines.
What you can do is copy and paste all of the text (instead of using an image) but you'll need to redact all of the CM MAC and CMTS MAC addresses. The forum bot will not allow your post to be seen publically.
And please post the upstream power level figures as well.
108.6K Messages
3 years ago
Even though the signal stats looked o/k at that snapshot in time, the error log entries confirm that something is going on. Perhaps there is noise ingress into the line(s) / an upstream channel / return path impairment somewhere.
There are other signal stat values that can't be read by the modem. They are the "Upstream Rx Power" (Upstream Receive Power Level), the "Upstream SNR Ch." (Upstream Signal To Noise Ratio), and the "Upstream ICFR" (In Channel Frequency Response). These are as equally important in diagnosing connectivity issues as are the modem's stats.
I'm going to escalate your issue to the Comcast corporate employees that are available to these boards. They will be able to poll the CMTS (Cable Modem Termination System) to check for any real-time degradation and / or error reports, see your node / cable plant, and modem health, and see whether or not everything is in the green zone. They can also see a history plot for the modem and poll for those upstream receive signal stats.
You should get a reply here in your topic. Good luck !
108.6K Messages
3 years ago
Quite welcome !