

8 Messages

Wednesday, January 4th, 2023 3:09 PM


Motorola MB8600 Downstream Keeps Blinking Blue

I'm currently having issues with Comcast.  They have come out to my home 3 times now to redo outdoor coaxial cables from the box in my yard to the box on the wall outside of my home.  They've told me twice that their signal is coming in clean.  I don't believe it.  I even bought a new modem, the Motorola MB8600, to replace my old Netgear thinking that it would fix the issue per the tech's recommendation.  I consistently have the Downstream light blinking blue and have terrible, intermittent connections, random restarts, etc.  I have a completely unstable connection that has lasted weeks now.  I've never had an issue in the past year and it's completely unreliable internet connection in my home now.  I need someone's help reading the info below to determine what exactly is the issue - it cannot be my modem...?  It's brand new.



8 Messages

2 years ago

Here's the Event Log:

[Image Removed: "Personal Information"]




108.3K Messages

2 years ago


O/k it appears that your image of the error log entries has been removed due to it containing your modem's CM MAC address and the CMTS MAC address which are considered to be personal information. The posting of personally identifiable information is a violation of their forum guidelines. The forum bot will not allow your post to be seen publically.

What you can do instead is copy and paste all of the text (instead of using an image) but you'll need to redact all of the CM MAC and CMTS MAC addresses, then paste them into your next post here. 



8 Messages

@EG​ Hopefully this works...



72 Messages

That isn't a particularly bad event log. As I understand it, the Notice (6) level messages aren't a concern. The occasional MDD timeout (even though it's a Warning (5) and not Critical (3)) bugs me a bit. The MDD should be reliable and received about every 200 mSec. Some of those are getting dropped. Your downstream power levels are more concerning. If I recall correctly, those can range from -15 dBmV to +15 dBmV, but looking across all channels, the delta should be no more than 3 dBmV. Ignoring the OFDM PLC channel, which always seems to be at a higher power, yours varies by over 6 dBmV.  The lower-frequency channels are consistently higher than the upper-frequency channels. 

I have the MB8611, and my connection status looks like this:

   Connection Status    
   System Up Time 3 days 07h:04m:29s  
   Network Access Allowed  

   Downstream Bonded Channels  
   Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected
   1 Locked QAM256 2 475.8 7.3 42.2 0 0
   2 Locked OFDM PLC 1 780.0 11.1 40.6 245245108 778
   3 Locked QAM256 3 481.8 7.5 42.4 0 0
   4 Locked QAM256 4 487.8 7.6 42.2 0 0
   5 Locked QAM256 5 493.8 8.0 42.5 0 0
   6 Locked QAM256 6 505.8 8.0 42.4 0 0
   7 Locked QAM256 7 511.8 8.0 42.3 0 0
   8 Locked QAM256 8 517.8 7.8 42.2 1 0
   9 Locked QAM256 9 523.8 8.3 42.4 0 0
   10 Locked QAM256 10 529.8 8.2 42.2 0 0
   11 Locked QAM256 11 535.8 8.6 42.4 1 0
   12 Locked QAM256 12 541.8 8.8 42.4 0 0
   13 Locked QAM256 13 547.8 8.9 42.3 1 0
   14 Locked QAM256 14 553.8 8.9 42.2 1 0
   15 Locked QAM256 15 559.8 9.0 42.3 2 0
   16 Locked QAM256 16 565.8 8.9 42.2 1 0
   17 Locked QAM256 17 571.8 9.1 42.2 1 0
   18 Locked QAM256 18 577.8 8.9 42.1 1 0
   19 Locked QAM256 19 583.8 9.3 42.2 2 0
   20 Locked QAM256 20 589.8 9.5 42.4 1 0
   21 Locked QAM256 21 595.8 9.7 42.2 4 0
   22 Locked QAM256 22 601.8 10.0 42.5 1 0
   23 Locked QAM256 23 607.8 9.9 42.4 3 0
   24 Locked QAM256 24 613.8 9.9 42.4 2 0
   25 Locked QAM256 25 619.8 10.2 42.4 1 0
   26 Locked QAM256 26 625.8 10.3 42.2 1 0
   27 Locked QAM256 27 631.8 10.3 42.4 3 0
   28 Locked QAM256 28 637.8 10.7 42.5 1 0
   29 Locked QAM256 29 643.8 10.2 42.3 1 0
   30 Locked QAM256 30 649.8 10.7 42.4 4 0
   31 Locked QAM256 31 655.8 10.2 42.2 4 0
   32 Locked QAM256 32 661.8 10.6 42.1 2 0

   Upstream Bonded Channels  
   Channel Lock Status Channel Type Channel ID Symb. Rate (Ksym/sec) Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV)
   1 Locked SC-QAM 2 5120 16.4 50.0
   2 Locked SC-QAM 3 5120 22.8 50.0
   3 Locked SC-QAM 4 5120 29.2 50.0
   4 Locked SC-QAM 9 5120 35.6 50.0
   5 Locked SC-QAM 11 2560 40.4 50.0

However, what caught my eye was the mention of the downstream LED blinking blue. Mine was solid until today. It is also now blinking blue. I'm not having connection issues, though. At least, not yet. According to the MB8611 Quick Start guide, that means "Negotiating bonded channel(s)." I did a speed test, and it was what it should be.




8 Messages

Here's my connection now:



8 Messages

@NoGoodNamesLeft4Me​ What can I do to lower Downstream power levels?  Should I adjust my downstream frequency setting?



108.3K Messages


FWIW. You have a condition going on that is called *reverse cable tilt*. This is where the downstream channel power levels at the lower frequencies are weaker/lower than they are at the higher frequency channels. This reverse power roll-off needs to be corrected. You should get the techs involved again until it gets fixed properly. Good luck !

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8 Messages

2 years ago

This is my updated Event Log:

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