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Friday, January 1st, 2021 12:00 PM


Monitoring Data Usage Per Device using XFi

I believe I have been mislead by support AND sales regarding monitoring data usage. 


I want to be able to determine how much data in terms of GB a specific device is consuming during data cycle.  So, if I am allocated 1TB of data during that cycle, I need to know which devices are the main consumers of my data.  I was told I would be able to do this by upgrading to XFi and renting a specific modem capable of using XFI.  I was told I can do this in the app.  Today, I have setup the modem and I am using the app. 


When using the App, I can indeed see a usage per device  under "Network Activity" for Today and for a 30 Day Average.  However, that appears to be activity in terms of time online. It does NOT appear to be reporting how many GB this device has consumed during those periods. 


How can I see data consumption per device in terms of GBs used?  If I cannot, I will promptly retunr the modem and seek another solution.  





49 Messages

4 years ago

You cannot.  The XFi device is not capable of showing a per-device data usage.  I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how to put my own router back in as the gateway so I can turn on QoS and monitor usage. 


So far, I am blocked because, even in Bridge mode, I cannot get the default IP of the modem to change.



49 Messages

4 years ago

I take that back.  Apparently you can but it's presented as a fairly useless graph.  There are no y-axis labels so you have no idea what it means.  If you go to internet.xfinity.com for your account, you can scroll to the bottom and you'll see a graph (it's the dark graph below - I'm not sure inline images are allowed.


You can then look at individual devices and see for that device (let's try an inline image - otherwise the light graph below)


Still, 'Very High' means nothing.  It could be set to 1GB for all I know...


What I have noticed though, is that I'm going to have to move my cameras which is unfortunate.  I want them in areas I can monitor but they are high traffic areas so generating data. 


I want to see graphs that show usage so I can tell people "Really great that you want to watch entire seasons of 'Survivor' but don't....".



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2 Messages

4 years ago

I can't believe this isn't being addressed by xfinity - my data usage recently jumped up and i'd like to see which device is the culprit, it doesn't help to see who's connected when I can't see who's doing what.

Problem Solver


515 Messages

4 years ago

It will never 'be addressed'.  They are providing you with the absolute least expensive device that will work with their service.  It is their hardware and they want you as the user to have as little control as possible.  What you want can only be done with your own Modem/Router; one that is compatible with their service.  I suggest you research devices that work with your speed tier and invest the time to set it up the way that suits your needs, not theirs. 



2 Messages

4 years ago

thanks for the response.

you're 100% correct. it's going to take a secondary device to be able to monitor everything - it's so stupid, i can monitor this type of thing on my mobile account.  better yet, don't impose a data cap or just reduce my speeds or something, if you've got kids in the house, everything is online and streamed, how are you supposed to manage. i may just kick them off wifi and make them use my unlimited mobile data ffs.



109K Messages

4 years ago

8-month-old dead thread now being closed.

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