Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 12:00 AM



How do I check if my xfinity router has MoCA enabled? Not able to login to router settings - keeps saying incorrect username/password.



108.8K Messages

9 months ago

The default username is admin and the default password is password unless you changed something ?

3 Messages

Thanks, this worked. I had changed it on my earlier modem, but got an updated model later which had the default settings.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

user_javc1e, Glad to hear that you got taken care of. Did you have any other concerns or questions we could assist you with before closing out the post?

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3 Messages

I do. How do I 'activate' a coax outlet different from the one my xfinity gateway is currently plugged to? I am trying to find a different location for my gateway for better whole-house coverage and it seems only the current location is 'active'.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

9 months ago


user_javc1e To enable MOCA on your device go to the gateway login (

Default login info is:
Username: admin (all lowercase)
Password: password

Once in you will find the drop down on the left of the screen that labeled “Connections”.

Click the drop down->click MOCA-> right side of screen click “Enable”-> Save changes. Let me know if this works. 


Official Employee


1.3K Messages

9 months ago


user_javc1e My team can definitely help you look into getting a new coax outlet activated. To send a direct message, please click on the chat icon in the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Xfinity Support" to initiate a Direct Message. 
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