New Poster
2 Messages
MoCA Setup
I'm an Xfinity customer with the supplied Netgear router. I am not using the MoCA functionality internally as I could not get it to work. Please help me with this setup.
Outside cable goes to POE filter to splitter (MoCA compatible).
From the splitter I have a Motorolla MoCA adaptor setup as prescribed to a POE and into my router.
On the other branch, I have a Motorolla MoCA adaptor connected to my PC.
Cable --> POE --> Splitter --> A: MoCA adaptor --> POE filter --> Router
B: MoCA adaptor --> PC
I've followed the diagrams precisely. Neither MoCA adaptor will "link." My Wi-FI remains on. My MoCA setting in the router is set to "on." They do not see each other. For a "hands off" technology, this is INCREDIBLY frustrating. Please help.
Gold Problem Solver
2.2K Messages
5 years ago
Don't the MoCA adapters have to connect to each other, extending the signal over coax, and not have the router in between?
Gold Problem Solver
2.2K Messages
5 years ago
Can you post a .jpg or .gif or link to a document with that diagram? What model modem/router do you have which you imply is MoCA capable? If the modem/router is MoCA compatible and active, do you even need the initial MoCA adapter?
New Poster
2 Messages
5 years ago
The diagram has the cable entering the MoCA adaptor and then continuing to the router, not the other way around.
2 Messages
4 years ago
Hi, please help.
I am just seeing your comments. I am interested in how a MoCA Adapter works with Comcast service.
I bought 2 MoCA Adapters (Motorola 2.0). Bought it for my son so i can get rid of Power Line adapter and/or long cables. (I digress).
Prior to MoCA adapters; the coax cable from my wall goes into a splitter (5-1002 MHz) that has 2 coax outputs - 1 coax output to TV Box and the other to my modem.
My personal modem (Motorola MB7420) is connected to my router (Linksys Velop) via ethernet. (none of them has MoCA).
With MoCA Adapters:
For adapter #1: (Family room) I unplug coax cable from modem and plug it into the network coax port on the adapter 1.
Then I connect a coax cable on the device port of the adapter and the other end to the coax port on the modem.
I then connect the ethernet cable in the port on the adapter and the other end to the router.
For adapter #2: (In bedroom); I plug a coax cable from the wall into the device port of adapter #2.
Then I plug one end of ethernet cable into the adapter and the other end into a game device (and sometime a laptop).
I have internet and WiFi service. No issues.
I am not seeing the benefits of the MoCA 1GB speed (or anywhere close) as promise.
When used on the Game device - download is about 40MB average; and upload under 1MB.
When used on a laptop - download is about 160MB average; and upload under 1MB
I do have a new splitter (5-2500 MHz) not installed as yet.
I also have MoCA PoE Filter but not sure where to install it. Some say to put it between wall coax and splitter where TV and Adapter #1 is hooked up. Others say to put the MoCA filter (in my attic) where Comcast/Xfinity service first enters the house.
Any help as to where my connection is incorrect is greatly appreciative.
Any ideas anyone? especially regarding the POE Filter.
109K Messages
4 years ago
Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue (copy and paste your post there). Thanks. Year old dead thread now being closed.