5 Messages
MoCA Adapter Not Sending Internet
Just bought some ScreenBeam (ECB7250) MoCA adapters to get Ethernet running to my office. We have an xFi Gateway XB8 (Technicolor CGM4981) with MoCA enabled. All splitters have been upgraded to allow up to 1675hz. POE filter installed from street line into first 3-way splitter that goes to master bedroom, basement, and office. Master bedroom is just a cable box. Gateway is in the basement, which has a splitter to run to the Gateway and a cable box. I had a 3-way splitter there as well to install one of the MoCA adapters based on its instructions. After setting up that adapter, I setup the other adapter in the office. At this time, the WiFi stopped working and so did Ethernet. I did some more research and it sounds like since the Gateway supports MoCA, you only need a MoCA Adapter where you need Internet (i.e., my office). I removed the adapter in the basement and kept the one in the office. While my Gateway setup page ( shows the MoCA Adapter as a connected device and in general says MoCA is enabled (both cable boxes also show they are MoCA connected), I am not getting internet out of the Ethernet port of the MoCA Adapter in my office. What am I missing?
7 Messages
5 months ago
I'll throw out a few suggestions. Hopefully one of them will lead to a working MOCA network. MOCA works well for me but I don't have the complication of the Xfinity gateway.
1) in the past I've read that Xfinity MOCA doesn't use any security protocols - if that is still the case you may need to use the Screenbeam configuration utility to turn off security on the adapter
2) go back to the 2 Screenbeam adapters but configure them to use a different frequency than the Xfinity MOCA - that would allow you to keep the security configured on the Screenbeams https://www.techreviewer.com/tech-answers/moca-adapter-with-xfinity/
3) search for a hidden splitter on one of the lines between the basement and office - found one in my parent's attic that really wasn't needed when I was trying to get their network going
Good Luck.
Official Employee
1.8K Messages
5 months ago
Thank you for reaching out to us @mk270! I appreciate you for confirming these details! When signed in to, is the preferred network controller set to disabled?