dreadlux72's profile

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7 Messages

Sunday, February 9th, 2020 12:00 PM


Locked on a downstream channel and Connectivity State == "Access Denied"

I bought a C7800 Nighthawk modem and when attempting to have it connected to Comcast, I see the aboved comment in the Connectivity state on the Netgear Genie. Is ther anyone that has a solution? Thanks!



108.3K Messages

5 years ago

Did you have it activated / provisioned for service ?

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

Yes, they see it, but, when they send the signal, the modem isn't connecting.



108.3K Messages

5 years ago

So are you saying that they told you that they couldn't activate it ?

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7 Messages

5 years ago

Yes, it never went online. I plan to call them on Wednesday to try again. I really want a tech or engineer on the phone instead of a script reading associate!



108.3K Messages

5 years ago

Is it brand new out of the original packaging or second hand ? 


Is this a new service at this address or have you had service there before ?

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

I bought it off ebay, reported to be new, open box. I had service at the same address, I just eliminated tv  and phone. 

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7 Messages

5 years ago

Comcast sent a technician out and he even stated he has seen many people buy this very same modem and have no problem getting it to work.  He tried a few times to get it to connect. He went outside and checked the connection coming into the house and removed some stuff that he said I didn't need and it still did not connect. 



108.3K Messages

5 years ago

You take a chance when you buy a modem on sites like E-bay. Many times they wind up being flagged as un-returned / stolen in Comcast's database, and they won't activate them for service. 

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago

Ok, but if that were the case, why wouldn't Comcast say so? More importantly, why wouldn't Netgear know this and say so??? They both have the serial numbers for the modem. 



108.3K Messages

5 years ago

I'm afraid that I can't answer those questions authoritatively, sorry.. I am not an employee of either company.

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