matt_8868's profile



1 Message

Monday, November 21st, 2022 4:11 PM


IP address: Is this a legitimate xfinity wifi IP address?


     When I search for wifi networks on my MacBook Pro, I get my home wifi. Since I'm an Xfinity customer, i also get the free, unsecured "xfinitywifi" option.  For some reason, I'm also able to login in to another one: XFINITY (in all caps/IP First off, why can I sign into this in the first place (it has a lock symbol by it.). Secondly, is it legit?  

Thank you,


Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

... I'm also able to login in to another one: XFINITY (in all caps/IP ..

Please see The IP address is in the range Comcast uses for its public Wifi, but that doesn't mean it's authentic -- it's a private IP:

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