Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 12:15 AM

Internet Speed

Hi. Yesterday, I upgraded my home internet plan, now I am supposed to have 2g download and up to 300mbps upload. My upload speed is 2100mbps which is great. However, my upload is between 40-41 mbps. I restarted the modem and did the diagnostic tests. Modem: Arris Surfboard S33 Router: Orbi 960

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4 days ago

... upload is between 40-41 mbps ... Modem: Arris Surfboard S33 ...

Realize that although Comcast calls some devices "Compatible" and some "Recommended", for all but a few devices those designations only mean "compatible/recommended for use with their Internet service", and not necessarily approved for the new upload speeds.

The S33 is not compatible with the higher upload speeds introduced last year. Only a few retail devices are. See the "Next Gen" list at the top of the "All Compatible Devices" PDF linked near the bottom of https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices (at the moment it points to https://assets.xfinity.com/assets/dotcom/projects/cix-4997_compatible-devices/2024.09.18%20Full%20List%20of%20Compatible%20Devices.pdf, but this changes from time to time). Also see:

For faster upload you need one of Comcast's newer rental gateways (XB6, XB7, XB8) or one of the few retail devices shown in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" group with an upload speed rating in the "All Compatible Devices" PDF:

  • Hitron Technologies CODA or CODA56
  • Netgear CM2500, CM3000, or CBR750
  • ARRIS/Surfboard G20, G34, G36, G54, or S34
  • Ubiquiti UCI 

The Reddit link (if they ever get the page back online) lists the approved devices as well as other requirements for faster upload speeds.

Comcast could make all of this much simpler and clearer, but they have chosen not to do so.

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