New Poster
7 Messages
Internet speed did not change after upgrading package
I upgraded my internet package from extreme 400 down/20 up to extreme pro 800 down/20 up. When doing speed tests I am still getting the same speed as before the upgrade. (400-450 Mbps down) I am using a Motorola MB 8600 and it says it’s compatible with the new package. Ive tried connecting directly to the modem with the same results. How do I find out if the modem has the right config?
3 Messages
4 years ago
Did you try restarting the MB8600? This will force it to pull the config again.
When I upgraded from 100/5 to 1000/35 recently, I was told they would send a reset command in ~5-10 minutes and I would not have to do anything. Nothing happened after ~15 minutes, so I got impatient and tried a modem restart. After restarting my MB8611, via the Xfinity account page, because I was curious if that would work, it got the new config, and new speeds.
New Poster
7 Messages
4 years ago
Yes I’ve restarted multiple times. Another discovery I found is on some other screenshots I see the config file named in the modem’s admin page. But for me it’s blank. Not sure if this is normal.
1 Message
4 years ago
I have exactly the same problem as you @deeepack. Have you been able to figure out a solution?
108.4K Messages
4 years ago
@deeepack @ComcastJamesH @user_551530 @ComcastPeter
Please post any possible solutions for the issues here in the open forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.