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22 Messages

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 4:32 AM


Internet keeps dropping. Is it my modem?

Cable TV is not affected, but for about a month now (or more), we lose internet connection once a day. Now it’s happening a few times a day, sometimes back-to-back.  The cable MODEM is my own-–a Motorola SBG6580 modem/router (maybe over 5 years old). I’m looking into getting a new modem, but am curious if the modem is even the problem.

When the internet goes out, we can still see our Wi-Fi network as available for a few minutes (all modem lights are on), then all the lights on the modem go out and the connection is reset in about five minutes. 

I have not contacted Comcast about this issue, other than this post (assuming that my modem would be blamed).
No reported outages in the area, and I tried restarting the modem using the online troubleshooter and leaving it unplugged overnight.
I tried switching to a wired/ethernet connection, but I still had the problem. I removed the splitter (in the room) and connected the modem to the cable, but I still had the issue. I also connected the modem in a different room (downstairs) and still had the issue.

We don’t use much bandwidth--we use a Roku for Netflix for a few hours only, and have a computer connected most of the day for browsing/email, etc.
This may be irrelevant, but today I noticed that when my computer re-connected to the internet, it connected to the Wi-Fi extender by default instead of the modem. And the very first week I noticed the Wi-Fi going out, I remember going through the Windows troubleshooter and it said something about the DNS Server.

I’ve seen the information below included on other posts--I don’t know what it all means, but maybe it’s helpful:

********These are repeated over and over in my modem EVENT LOGS:

Mon Aug 09 18:51:37 2021        Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

Mon Aug 09 18:48:01 2021        Critical (3) 16 consecutive T3 timeouts while trying to range on upstream channel 3;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

Mon Aug 09 18:48:01 2021        Critical (3) Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

********And I usually see this too, but not as often:

Mon Aug 09 18:33:47 2021        Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

********Yesterday, I saw this ABOUT THRITY times on the Event Log:

Sun Aug 08 11:12:17 2021         Warning (5)              Dynamic Range Window violation

********And for CONNECTION STATUS, this is what I saw yesterday:
(Upstream POWER numbers in the fifties):
Upstream Bonded Channels

Channel/Lock Status/US Channel Type/Channel ID/Symbol Rate                   /Frequency              /Power

1              Locked     ATDMA                     4              5120 Ksym/sec         29200000 Hz            54.0 dBmV

2              Locked     ATDMA                     1              2560 Ksym/sec         10400000 Hz            49.9 dBmV

3              Locked     ATDMA                     2              5120 Ksym/sec         16400000 Hz            54.0 dBmV

4              Locked     ATDMA                     3              5120 Ksym/sec         22800000 Hz            54.0 dBmV

********I appreciate any input. Thanks.
Is there something I should add here, or try?
My internet just went out twice as I was finishing typing this, so hopefully I won't need to retype this!
Here are the top entries from the log now:

Mon Aug 09 20:22:51 2021 Notice (6) TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Time Not Established Notice (6) Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv6
Time Not Established Notice (6) WiFi Interface [wl0] set to Channel 11 (Side-Band Channel:N/A) - Reason:INIT
Mon Aug 09 20:21:29 2021 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 20:17:09 2021 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 20:02:47 2021 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 19:58:27 2021 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 19:42:10 2021 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 19:37:49 2021 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:48:01 2021 Critical (3) 16 consecutive T3 timeouts while trying to range on upstream channel 3;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:48:01 2021 Critical (3) Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:48:01 2021 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:48:00 2021 Critical (3) 16 consecutive T3 timeouts while trying to range on upstream channel 2;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:47:59 2021 Critical (3) Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:47:59 2021 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:47:59 2021 Critical (3) 16 consecutive T3 timeouts while trying to range on upstream channel 1;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:47:59 2021 Critical (3) Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
Mon Aug 09 18:47:59 2021 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[info removed];CMTS-MAC=[info removed];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

3 years ago

@ruebee, most of the time when we see a lot of T3 timeouts this indicates a degraded signal is impacting your connection. I'm sorry you have been losing connection. When you have a moment send us a direct message using the "Direct Message" icon at the top of the page. If you can send your name and service address to "Xfinity Support" we can help! Once we locate your account, we can take a closer look at your SBG6580, signal quality and schedule an appointment if needed.  

New Poster


22 Messages

Update for anyone interested:
I haven't had interruptions to my connection since the technician visit. I asked "Xfinity Support" whether the issue was inside or out, and the reply was: "it does look like both inside and outside had issues. The unneeded splitter caused interference and weak signals and the outside issues once cleared up corrected the signal strength."



105.6K Messages

3 years ago


That's the problem. The upstream power is intermittently fluctuating to too high / out of spec levels ! It should not go over 50dB.

That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels.

In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if there are there any excess/unneeded coax cable splitters in the line leading to the modem that can be eliminated/re-configured. Any splitters that remain should be high quality and cable rated for 5-1000 MHz, bi-directional, and no gold colored garbage from Radio Shack, Home Depot, Target, etc. Splitters should be swapped with known to be good / new ones to test.

Also check the coax cable for any damage such as cuts, nicks, kinks, sharp bends, etc.

If there aren't any unneeded splitters that can be eliminated and if your coax wiring setup can't be reconfigured so that there is a single two-way splitter connected directly off of the drop from the street / pole with one port feeding the modem and the other port feeding the rest of the house/equipment with additional splits as needed and you've checked all the wiring and fittings for integrity and tightness and refresh them by taking them apart then check for and clean off any corrosion / oxidation on the center wire and put them back together again, then perhaps it's best to book a tech visit to investigate and correct.



105.6K Messages


Why must this have to go private right away ? How about asking some general self troubleshooting things first which is in keeping with the intent of what these public help forums were designed for so that all readers here may benefit. 

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I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
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I wasn’t sure which to mark as the accepted answer because I’m not sure what fixed my issue, but as your response suggested, it was most likely an issue with the physical cable. The technician initially said there was no problem with my signal, but they inspected the outside cables and replaced an old splitter inside. I haven't had the problem since then. In a follow-up message, Xfinity Support said: "I can see the tech replaced a splitter and worked on the main cable drop."
Since I had the issue with the same modem in different rooms, I'm still curious if a bad splitter in one room (upstairs) could affect the signal in another room (downstairs), but I'm very happy that it was a quick fix.
THANKS A LOT for your time and input.



105.6K Messages

Quite welcome ! I hope that things hold up for you ! Happy surfing ! :-)

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I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
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Gold Problem Solver


25.8K Messages

3 years ago

@ruebee wrote "... Motorola SBG6580 modem/router ..."

Although probably not the cause of the problem you are seeing, you should be aware that the SBG6580 is no longer a supported device. See


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22 Messages

Thanks for that. I remember seeing an alert next to my device the other day (it was hard to find though--it was under Device Compatibility). I don't know much about this, but I'm guessing that because my SBG6580 has a "(2.4 GHz) Download Speed" of "up to 99 Mbps" and MY PLAN SPEED is 100 Mbps, that is why it's no longer compatible? Anyway, it makes me feel a bit better to know that it may not be the cause of my issues. Since I've had my modem a while, I think I'm going to get a new one before having a tech. come over here (if it comes to that). Thanks again.




105.6K Messages


FWIW, those types of symptoms (wide power level fluctuations) are not caused by malfunctioning modem hardware. They are caused by line problems / impairments. A line problem will still be there no matter what modem is being used. Just sayin'.

I am not a Comcast Employee.
I am a Customer Expert volunteering my time to help other customers here in the Forums.
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2 Messages

3 years ago

I'm right there with you @ruebee same thing has been happening to me. I haven't caught the power spikes when checking signals, yet. 

I have a question for you. Does it happen at specific times or consistent time ranges each day? For me it is almost like clock work right about 2300 (11:00 PM) and then usually sometime between 0900-1000 in the morning. Awfully consistent to just be some cable or splitter issue as humidity, temp and all that vary day to day.

Our numbers are also very similar as well although I'm a bit closer to 0 on the downstream power, from -1.0 to -2.9 across 31 channels. So a bit better off on Signal to Noise.

So modem compatibility or not, yours is working when there isn't signal issues and that seems to be the cause. I'm running a Netgear CM1000.


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Good question. I don’t THINK there’s a pattern, but I haven’t been that good about noting the times, and I’m not good at interpreting the logs.
I’d say that generally it does happen a lot between 11am-1pm, and then after 9pm, but not like clockwork.
Based on the modem “Up Time,” the last time the modem reset today was close to noon, and I remember it happening an hour or two before that. When I first checked the “up time” today, it showed the modem reset around 5am, and I think it went down about three times before 10 pm yesterday.

So, the consensus seems to be that the MODEM IS probably NOT THE ISSUE. In that case, I may contact Comcast today, and I'll post an update if there's any progress. I hope YOU get some help with your issue soon--have you tried calling for tech. help yet?



2 Messages

@ruebee I haven't contacted them yet, just been dealing with it. Last time their system was detecting outages and that sparked them fixing it. I've only noticed their systems detect/report one of the outages so far. But now I'm becoming annoyed enough that I may have to submit a ticket as it has been a little over a week of this every day.

Found your thread looking for any trends of this type of issue right now.


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22 Messages

Update: The technician said my signal looked fine. They replaced a splitter and said they'd check some other things outside. Since the problem was intermittent, it may be too soon to tell if that solved my problem, but I haven't seen any "T3 Time-outs" on the modem log since BEFORE the appointment, and there are no new entries on the log since the splitter was replaced. I'm HOPEFUL THAT THE SPLITTER/CABLE INSPECTION solved the problem. The cable and connections looked fine to me, but I guess the splitter that was replaced was very old. I'm still using my "unsupported" modem.

Gold Problem Solver


25.8K Messages

3 years ago

@ruebee wrote: "... I'm guessing that because my SBG6580 has a "(2.4 GHz) Download Speed" of "up to 99 Mbps" and MY PLAN SPEED is 100 Mbps, that is why it's no longer compatible? ..."

No, it's because the device is no longer approved at all, for any speed tier. This was clearer in the past when Comcast explicitly listed devices as reaching "end of support", but now we have to infer it. They seem to be dropping support for nearly all 8x4 devices like the SBG6580.


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22 Messages

@BruceW Thanks. Can someone briefly explain what the "8x4" stands for and what I should get instead?
I assume anything on Xfinity's approved list will be better than what I have, but I haven't shopped for modems in a while and don't know much about Wi-Fi, so I would mind learning a little bit more about those numbers. Thanks.

Gold Problem Solver


25.8K Messages

"8x4" just means a device that works with a maximum of 8 downstream channels and 4 upstream channels, where the "channels" are the ones the device uses to communicate with Comcast over the coax line. These are completely separate from the channels that Wifi uses.

I'd recommend replacing the 8x4 device with a 32x8 device minimum (see If you think you might want to subscribe to Gigabit Internet service any time in the next few years then a device approved by Comcast for use with their 1.2 Gbps service would be the way to go.

New Poster


22 Messages

@BruceW thanks a lot. 

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