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12 Messages

Saturday, July 17th, 2021 8:52 AM


Internet cuts out every night / morning multiple times between 3-5 AM, like clockwork. And it's getting worse.

A few months back our internet speeds were horrible but the internet never ever went down. I had shown both Xfinity support on twitter a screenshot of our signals taken from the xfinity router settings. Posted it on reddit too while I waited for a response. The signals were beyond bad, with some claiming they were the worst signal levels they've ever seen.

Anyway, A tech eventually came out and fixed a major issue that was on the pole outside. Internet speeds improved drastically and the service has never been faster.

However, ever since this repair, our internet now cuts out the same time every morning. Never happened before.

At first for about a month after the pole repair, the modem would reset every morning 1 time at exactly 4 AM. Over the past few weeks though, the time window this reset occurs has expanded. Now the internet will cut out multiple times, starting now at 3:30 AM & ending at 5 AM. Once 5AM hits, the internet is totally stable. It does this every single night.

I'm an ebay seller and overnights is when I take care of my ebay business. it's crucial I don't lose my connection within this time frame, at least not multiple times everyday. I was working around the initial 4AM reset and making sure I had my stuffed saved before the internet cut out and deleted my listing drafts. But now it's getting unpredictable, again until 5AM rolls around when things become stable. to say this is SUPER frustrating is an understatement.

Some of these resets are abnormally fast too.  Usually a modem reset takes about a 6-8 minutes. Each light slowly returns. That still occurs. But after that reset, there seems to be a series of some other type of resets occurring, where the modem goes from no connection and no light, to 1 light to a full on connection within seconds. Then another slow reset. Repeat until 5AM. It happens 4 or 5 times every-night.

Goes something like this: Internet off, hard reset. internet back 8 minutes later. Off again 5-10 minutes later. No lights on modem, but all lights return within 40-60 seconds or so. a few minutes later another hard reset. back in 8 minutes. Off again 10 minutes later, no lights. 60 seconds later, all lights back on, modem online. This cycle repeats randomly until 5AM.

What IS the deal with this and why did this only start happening AFTER the repair?

Our internet is great now, but something is going on within this specific 3:30-5 am time frame that's causing an issue. Please advise. 

Problem Solver


1.4K Messages

4 years ago

@c4p Hello and thank you for taking the time to reach out with your concerns regarding the resets that are taking place every morning. This would be frustrating and I would like to look further into the issues you're experiencing.


Please send a private message by clicking the Peer to Peer chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your name and address and I'll be happy to help. 



2 Messages

4 years ago

Must be something Xfinity is doing because those are the exact times and exact things that are happening to my modem daily. Always between 3:30am til 5am. Frustrating.



17 Messages

4 years ago

this is happening to me in Vallejo Ca i have  issues with neighbors splitting & wiring directly into my wall from outside   

july 17 xfinity was supposed to do scheduled network maintenance  since then my service data modem only  cuts out same as yours  

my ? to you are neighbors accessing your service? 



1 Message

3 years ago

I'm going through the same internet problem exactly, same time same exact problems. Its very frustrating and i used to go through there trouble shooting and end up calling them every [Edited: "Language"] night. Now I don't bother because nothing changes and I get tired of them making up excuses. 


Official Employee


3K Messages

Hello and thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here on our Xfinity Forums. I'm truly sorry to hear that you are experiencing these service issues and I would love to take a look at the signals on our end to further assist you with finding a resolution. Please send us a direct message with your name and service address to Xfinity Support by clicking the chat icon at the top right of the page.


To send a direct message you may need to:

Click "Sign In"
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Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it

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38 Messages

3 years ago

Comcast updates everybody every morning around 3:30 unless you specify you want it done at another time.  At least that is what happens to me.  The internet is how you get your TV so that is interrupted as well.  Last night or the night before i was awake when the update happened, I had the TV on and it asked me if I wanted to have it done at a different time or just not do it at all and I think I said not at all.  But I think it gave me a chance to change the time but assume only for that one update.




1 Message

@Libertas I only have the modem so I want to figure out a way to change it on my phone rather than that



1 Message

3 years ago

I've received the same issues regarding resets. After 3 years with flawless internet using my xb3 I decided to upgrade to an Xb7. After a headache with set up I noticed the XB7 resetting continuously every morning around 3-4 am. Last week the modem reset during the day and would establish the connection so I returned the modem and got the XB3 back only for it to make an awful constant static sound and still reset during the mornings.



38 Messages


I replied to this now I dont see it.  When you say resetting continuously, do you mean every morning at the same time or do you mean every morning at the same time the device resets over and over taking how long before you can use it again? 




4 Messages

3 years ago

Mine does it too I deduct my loses off of my bill

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