

3 Messages

Monday, November 22nd, 2021 8:35 PM


Internet connection randomly drops from 1-3 minutes multiple times per day

As mentioned in subject, my internet connection will drop multiple times per day with the loss in connectivity being 1-3 minutes.

My setup: Moto MB8600 in use since Nov 2017; Orbi wifi in use since Nov 2017; and line buried from demarc to house in Spring 2017 due to sprinkler installers severing old one. No splitters in use inside the house. There might be one in the box outside the house, not sure since I only use internet and have only one line in use coming inside the house.

Problems started roughly last week on Thursday 11/18. Have persisted over the weekend and into today, causing work from home issues. I have power cycled the cable modem multiple times as well as my wifi router.

In troubleshooting, I see the following on the cable modem log pages:

- Power levels on the upstream channels reaching as high as 59.5 dBmV. Per xfinity troubleshooting page, they should not go over 50. After a fresh power cycle, they are in the high 40s.

- Power levels on downstream are in the range of -1.3 to +1.3 with SNR between 39.0 and 40.9.

- Extremely high number of corrected and uncorrected errors on all channels, but especially on the OFDM PLC. As in OFDM PLC can hit 1 trillion corrected in 24 hours.

- Event log showing Critical errors when this happens of T3 time outs, Retries exhausted, and 16 consecutive T3 time outs.

I have not changed anything on my setup in years. So not sure what could have changed last week that started causing this. 




3 Messages

3 years ago

Cable modem log info.



108.3K Messages

3 years ago

Yes. The upstream power is indeed way out of spec !

That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels.

In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if there are there any excess/unneeded coax cable splitters in the line leading to the modem that can be eliminated/re-configured. Any splitters that remain should be high quality and cable rated for 5-1000 MHz, bi-directional, and no gold colored garbage from Radio Shack, Home Depot, Target, etc. Splitters should be swapped with known to be good / new ones to test.

Also check the coax cable for any damage such as cuts, nicks, kinks, sharp bends, etc.

If there aren't any unneeded splitters that can be eliminated and if your coax wiring setup can't be reconfigured so that there is a single two-way splitter connected directly off of the drop from the street / pole with one port feeding the modem and the other port feeding the rest of the house/equipment with additional splits as needed and you've checked all the wiring and fittings for integrity and tightness and refresh them by taking them apart then check for and clean off any corrosion / oxidation on the center wire and put them back together again, then perhaps it's best to book a tech visit to investigate and correct.

Good luck with it !



3 Messages

3 years ago

Is there a way to get a tech scheduled via here versus calling and going through a script?

As mentioned, there are no splitters on the line that I know of and no damaged coax that I can see.



108.3K Messages

3 years ago

I'm going to escalate this to the Comcast corporate employees that are available to these boards. You should get a reply here in your topic. Good luck !

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

3 years ago

@user_79e035 As a reminder, unsolicited Direct Messages are against the Xfinity Forum Guidelines. As a one-time courtesy, we will respond to you there. In the future, please, wait for us to request a Direct Message from you.



108.3K Messages

Seems that I escalated this for nothing.... 

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