Saturday, December 14th, 2024 6:11 PM

Internet cable vs mobile

On or about Nov 12, 24 TruthSocial.com logged me out.


I was not able to log back in due to the site did not accept any passwords. New account access was disabled.  After 4 weeks of research and testing I analyzed the Dot Com access was not working, but a Mobile network (T-Mobile) app access did work.


Four weeks of trying to get Non-human automated customer support help was futile. You cannot explain to an automated script that 3 different PCs, 3 apple and Windows software’s, network access in 2 different cities and multiple typed explanations that my end may not be where the problem exists.  Possibly the ISP or social site maintenance and software upgrades are more likely the problem.

I could only test my theory on the Xfinity network due to a lack of another ISP access in 2 different cities.


After 4 weeks, an Xfinity DM/chat indicated they would investigate. While they were running their tests, my internet access went down. It seems their test signal activated my cable ground protection device causing the outage. They kept telling me my modem access tested fine? Two days later a Cable technician visit was necessary to replace the defective ISP ground protection device.


I never got past the 14 attempts with TruthSocial automated script customer service? Their answer was check my ISP provider? My original TruthSocial.com access problem remains. Without a technical solution, I deleted my account.


I share this experience to possibly help others with a similar internet access problem.

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

2 months ago

Greetings, @user_dot8ej! Thanks so much for taking a moment out of your busy day to leave a post on our community forum. I'm sorry to hear you were having so many issues connecting to that site, but we are here for your support. If you'd like to look into these issues, or if you have any questions about your options, please let me know.

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