Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 12:09 AM

Intermittent internet drops.

Since switching to Xfinity at the beginning of the year I have been experiencing intermittent internet connection issues. I see many posts on these forums of people with similar issues but no solution is ever posted. 

The problem:

Occasionally, some times sever times per hour, I will experience internet disconnects of between 0.5 seconds and 20 seconds.


Most recently I've started seeing the following critical events in my Modem's event log

  • "UCD invalid or channel unusable".
  • "Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out"
  • "SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Loss of Sync"

I also have screenshots of my ping to a server in NY spiking from an average of around 72ms to over 20,000ms and various times in between.


I have gone through dozens of forum posts, and the entire troubleshooting guide. I have had 3 techs come out, measure my lines, look at my modem/router. My modem has been replaced twice. Nothing has improved the situation.

Since the tech visits have been largely fruitless, I can only assume that the issue is upstream. What can I do to get the necessary attention for my problem to be fixed?

3 Messages

24 days ago

I would love to find a solution to this problem. Here is another post with very similar symptoms to mine. Closed with no posted solutions.


Official Employee


1.7K Messages

24 days ago

Hello user_f1gte7, thank you so much for coming to our Forum and providing those details in your post. I can only imagine what you've been going through while dealing with this issue, but I'd love a chance to work with you more and turn things around. Since you mentioned you've had tech visits in the past, I'd like to review those and plan our next steps accordingly. In order to get started can you please send a direct message to Xfinity Support with your full name and full address by clicking the chat icon in the top right? Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:

• Click "Sign In" if necessary

• Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page)

• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list

• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

• Press Enter to send your message


3 Messages

18 days ago

An update for anyone who comes to this post looking for answers to a similar issue and is similarly boggled by all the forum posts that get closed after an Employee asks to work through DMs. So far no fix has been found, the DM only resulted in my fourth technician coming to my house just to tell me all the signals look fine and they aren't observing any issues. This isn't surprising since the issue is intermittent and happens only once an hour sometimes. What's unfortunate is that I have yet to get much attention on the issue despite the fact that I have evidence of my internet regularly dropping for up to 20 seconds across the entire house. As you can imagine, this is quite disruptive.

My suspicion is there is a difficult to detect problem with Xfinity's infrastructure in my area but I don't know how to prove that and I also don't know how to get an expert to take a look at the problem. Technicians aren't knowledgeable enough to help with my problem.

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