1 Message
I need to change my ip
I keep getting ddosed, so I need to change my ip, I’ve tried every method but nothing is working, thank you.
1 Message
I keep getting ddosed, so I need to change my ip, I’ve tried every method but nothing is working, thank you.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
2 years ago
Comcast does not provide a way to change your IP address and they won't change it for you.
If you're using your own modem and router or a modem-router gateway, just clone the MAC address.
If you're using a rental Comcast gateway you'd have to:
A VPN is another possibility. If you use one your public IP won't actually change, but systems you connect to will see the IP provided by the VPN rather than your actual public IP.
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Problem Solver
502 Messages
2 years ago
Hi @user_3c046d! Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Forums for assistance with your IP address. Did the information our awesome user @BruceW provided help?