Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 7:20 PM


I have slow internet speeds around 6 or 7 pm everyday.

Im guessing it is congestion. But everyday around 6 or 7pm. It gets dead slow on our internet. There are times where I can't even get to a website, it takes so long. 



106K Messages

8 months ago

Is this with a WiFi connection ? If so, as a test, does a computer / device that is hardwired directly to the router / gateway device with an ethernet cable have the same problem ?

With this test, we are trying to isolate this down to being either a WiFi-only problem or a problem with the general connection to the Comcast system which would of course affect both. It's a good first step in troubleshooting before proceeding any further. 

Official Employee


1K Messages

8 months ago

@Keotto90 Thanks for reaching out to our community and letting us know about the slow speeds you're experiencing between 6 and 7pm each night.

Can you tell us more about when this started?

How long does this slow speeds last for?

Have you had the opportunity to reset your modem and your connected devices? 


3 Messages

I just recently moved to my apartment. And the xfinity router is already installed in every apartment here. We just had to activate it.

Right around the time when people get home from work at 6 or 7pm and usually in the evenings in the weekends. Im guessing its some kind of congestion. Because when I test the speeds during the what I think are "down times" the speeds go up to 150 mbps, consistently.

I just restarted the router/modem and did notice slight improvement. Before restarting it, I could not even open a web page. I tried to test the speeds at speed.com and nothing would show. Just showed 0, the whole time. But yes, restarting it. Did help, but it isn't the speeds I pay for. 

I am not an expert, but is it congestion since I live in a large apartment complex with many units?



106K Messages

8 months ago


Have you had a chance to try that test yet ?

3 Messages

Thank you, for your assistance. Where the router is and my computer is a long distance. I can try to connect an ethernet cable directly to my laptop as soon as I can. Thanks 

1 Message

2 months ago

Ditto here in NW Chicago area. When it is slow, the Xfinity help bot doesn't respond. When it does when service speeds up, then it is too late and useless. It's a cutesy little public relations toy but does nothing to help.



106K Messages

2 months ago


Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. The original poster has not returned. 5-month-old dead thread is now being closed.

For future reference, it is better to submit your own post as it creates a ticket to get help, and posting on someone else's older thread can delay getting help.

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