zackSF's profile



30 Messages

Sunday, November 7th, 2021 9:50 PM


Internet time is wrong


dismisses this condition as inconsequential

despite that:

all connected devices require correct internet time to function

I have asked for help in finding a solution several times 

  1. No answer 
  2. Opinion 

Router Address:

Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 years ago

Where are you seeing incorrect time, what time are you seeing, and what should the time be?



30 Messages

@BruceW as of this morning, daylight savings time, the time is always one hour off until we change to the fall schedule. 

Local time:2021-11-07 13:52:04
System Uptime:4 days 10h: 44m: 3s
to make it clear: the internet time is one hour short until the fall fallback when the time is correct. The details are found on xfinity network status page 


Local time:2021-11-07 19:59:52
System Uptime:0 days 6h: 1m: 15s
WAN IP Address (IPv4)[Edited: "Personal Information"]
WAN Default Gateway Address (IPv4)[Edited: "Personal Information"]
WAN IP Address (IPv6)[Edited: "Personal Information"]
WAN Default Gateway Address (IPv6)[Edited: "Personal Information"]
Delegated prefix (IPv6)[Edited: "Personal Information"]
Primary DNS Server (IPv4):
Secondary DNS Server (IPv4):
Primary DNS Server (IPv6):2001:558:feed::1
Secondary DNS Server (IPv6):2001:558:feed::2
WAN Link Local Address (IPv6)[Edited: "Personal Information"]
DHCP Client (IPv4):Enabled
DHCP Client (IPv6):Enabled
DHCP Lease Expire Time (IPv4):3d:18h:0m
DHCP Lease Expire Time (IPv6):49710d:6h:28m
WAN MAC[Edited: "Personal Information"]
eMTA MAC[Edited: "Personal Information"]
CM MAC[Edited: "Personal Information"]


Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 years ago

Daylight Saving Time in the US ended yesterday, Sunday 11/7 at 2am. As you have been informed previously, modems and gateway logs and admin pages report local Standard Time year round. This time is only used internally and is NOT the time attached devices use. That's determined by device settings and Internet or cell system time sources, not by the modem or gateway internal time.

You should edit your post to remove the MAC addresses you posted (WAN MAC, eMTA MAC, CM MAC). Forum security processing considers them "personal information".




30 Messages

@BruceW you don’t know what you are talking about

Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 years ago

What specifically have I posted that you believe to be incorrect?




30 Messages

@BruceW you specifically refuse to examine your assumptions. That is the fault line between us. The gateway always determine the internet time for all connected devices. Furthermore, any access to any resources by all connected devices is funneled through the gateway and your Advanced Security Rating barrier which is activated by default more or less.  To be fair, your advanced security free add-on does present itself once to seek approval for activation. 
anything after that approval, can’t access any resources except for “approved” destinations as cleared by your advanced security barrier and your gateway which is a bridge by default.

do you want me to educate you more?


Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 years ago

You wrote: ... access to any resources by all connected devices is funneled through the gateway ...

Except for client devices that have connections to cell service or some other Internet link, that's correct. Clients that get their time information via a Comcast Internet connection communicate through the gateway (or modem).

The key word here is "through". The time information is not supplied by the gateway, and the gateway doesn't modify the time information. It is simply a conduit though which the time data passes as it moves from an Internet time server to the client device.

... The gateway always determine the internet time for all connected devices. ...

As already noted, that is incorrect. Gateways and modems report local Standard Time year round for their own pages, but do not pass that time along to attached devices. In other words, they do not act as time servers.

... and your Advanced Security ...

Not my "Advanced Security". I am not now and have never been a Comcast employee. I'm just a reluctant customer with too much time on his hands. 

I have no idea why you posted all the security certificate data. Was there some point to that?




30 Messages

@BruceW good morning 

when I use “you” or “your” is not intended to address you personally but rather Comcast/ Xfinity. It is very difficult to discuss such fundamental issues on this public forum, where in many instances it’s the only venue to obtain information about Comcast services, and the responding/responses are by volunteers as yourself being presented as the source and final argument on behalf of the sponsored forum. 
The essential point to get across to you @BruceW it’s never personal. It’s exclusively the responsibility of Comcast to provide pivotal resolutions and proprietary information that Comcast must know, own and purveyors of federally regulated services.

That’s an entire topic that is always missing and never clearly constructed platform. The privacy statements by Comcast are page specific and are never ever applicable anywhere else in the web of fine print and lopping referential legal arguments, indicating to me at least, a clear understanding of their legal duties which are very well defined, and are fully understood by the Owner of the specific website and page of focus.

Thank you


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