AC2k's profile



18 Messages

Friday, August 14th, 2020 3:00 PM


How to find error log on Xfinity gateway device / WiFi lights

I just installed my first-ever piece of Xfinity equipment.  (Comcast customer for 19 years, but have always used my own equipment).  I was having T3 time-out errors, had a tech come out, and was then told no further troubleshooting culd be done unless I rented a modem from Xfinity.  So I have done that - Model TG1682G.


I have 2 questions:


1) Where do I find the error log?  I can get to the status page that shows upstream/downstream levels, but I don't see anywhere to look at the actual errors.


2) I am running in Bridge mode but the WiFi lights still blink on and off constantly.  I saw another thread about this issue but with no solution.  Anyone have any ideas, other than something like putting black tape over the indicators? (The flashing will be pretty annoying in a dark room)  Gateway status shows wifi is truned off.



Accepted Solution



109.3K Messages

5 years ago

The modem component's error logging feature has recently been disabled by them with the Comcast gateway devices. A BIG mistake IMNSHO !!!


Even in bridge mode, the gateway's still broadcast a public WiFi hotspot (used to be able to turn it off), and a hidden network that's used for interfacing with their home security systems (can not be disabled). This may be why the lights remain active.





18 Messages

5 years ago

So... they demanded I rent the gateway device from them in order to troubleshoot my conenction-drop issue better, and now they don't let me actually monitor the issue.  Love it.  The optics on that do not tip in Comcast's favor.


At the end of the day I'm not sure there will ever be any remedy. I went through their terms of service with a fine-toothed comb and it explicity states that their residential service should not be used when reliable intertnet is required.


The Service(s) are not fail-safe and are not designed or intended for use in situations requiring fail-safe performance or in which an error or interruption in the Service(s) could lead to severe injury to business, persons, property, or environment (“High Risk Activities”). These High Risk Activities may include, without limitation, vital business, or personal communications, or activities where absolutely accurate data or information is required.


Unfortunately they dont't provde business-class service at my address.  I'm not sure where this leaves all of us work-from-home folks in the middle of a pandemic.


C'est la vie.


In any case, you did provide the (I assume) correct answer to my query, so I will mark this as answered, and put some black tape over those annoying flashing WiFi lights.



18 Messages

5 years ago

Indeed. It doesn't matter now anyway since I'm canceling my xfinity service. I've had enough.



109.3K Messages

5 years ago

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