

2 Messages

Thursday, September 16th, 2021 8:36 PM


How to enable DMZ

I can't find any option to enable DMZ on the admin portal.

On the DMZ tab it says 'Visit xfinity.com/myxfi to set up DMZ, among many other features and settings.'

And I can't find any option at https://internet.xfinity.com/ to enable DMZ either.

Please any help would be appreciated.

Official Employee


618 Messages

3 years ago

Hi there, @user_77091e.

Can you do me the favor of trying to disable the xFi Advanced Security feature as a work-around for now and see if it works?




108.3K Messages

3 years ago


May we ask why you need a DMZ please ? There may be potential security issues involved with it. There are other methods.




1 Message

3 years ago

I have been looking for this since I got my internet
The modem links you to doing it online but doesn't tell you how, the instructions online such as (https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/wireless-gateway-port-triggering ) tell you to sign into the modem which then links you back online. Can we get the instructions updated?

To do it sign into the xfi thing (http://xfinity.com/myxfi) sign in like that your modem gives you then from there
Xfi -> Connect -> See Network (Yes the wifi) -> More/Advanced Settings -> HERE

For anyone wondering (Like EG the expert), I own my own firewall that I am setting up as a DMZ. It common for people to only really need port forwarding for peer-peer video gaming but sometimes the documentation is wrong and doesn't include all of the ports needed and/or it's easier to do than to do packet sniffing and using a second machine that's outside the network for testing... yadda yadda. I'm okay with you making sure people are being safe, but provide help too



108.3K Messages

3 years ago

Uhhh.... I've been "providing help" here for 17 years....... I'm not "wondering" anything. I asked a question. Others didn't. It could have different answers. 




1 Message

3 years ago

@user_77091e , I believe Xfinity now makes you use the mobile phone application to do this. I was able to access the option that way. View more info here (I know the article is for port forwarding, but if you follow the instructions, you'll see the option to enable DMZ as well)


Hope this helps.



108.3K Messages

3 years ago

Thank you for posting that info ! The original poster has not returned. 3-month-old dead thread is now being closed.

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