2 Messages
how to edit and change the security mode
One of my device only support WPA, so I need to have WPA/WPA2 support on security mode in my xfinity router.
But I only see WPA2 option using mobile app security mode, and in admin tool page, it says below and security mode option is grayed out. Please help how to change WPA2 to WPA/WPA2.
"Wi-Fi Mode, Security Mode, Channel Selection, Channel Mode, and Channel Bandwidth are being managed automatically to help optimize your home Wi-Fi network and improve Wi-Fi coverage. To edit your Wi-Fi Network Name & Network password, please download the Xfinity xFi app."
Official Employee
2.8K Messages
3 months ago
@user_3woy4y The link: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/change-wifi-mode-admin-tool-xfinity-xfi will assist you with changing your home network's WiFi channel selection or mode. Based on the message you are getting, the setting cannot be managed from the Admin Tool or Xfinity app