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3 Messages

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 9:00 AM


How to combine 2.4 and 5GHz bands on router network?

Can you please explain how to do this?


2.4 and 5.0 GHz bands should be combined and broadcasted under one network name so that you can create a Mesh network.









109.3K Messages

5 years ago

If you are using a Comcast supplied gateway device, the bands should now be combined by default.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

The combination is at the descretion of the tech that set up the network and mine chose to separate them.  I would like to combine them. 

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

No, they are already separate.  I want to combine them.



109.3K Messages

5 years ago

From what I've seen here, the latest firmware update has now combined them by default as stated. Perhaps your device hasn't yet received the firmware push. You could try power cycling it and see if that helps to pull it. If still no joy, try calling in to customer support and see what they can do for you. Good luck !



109.3K Messages

5 years ago

@RobertWy wrote:

@sublimepow wrote:

No, they are already separate.  I want to combine them.

Will this help?

He wants them combined, not separated. Every post I have been seeing here lately has been indicating that they are now combined by default anyway. And, every post that I have been seeing lately also shows that all of the WiFi settings can no longer be manually changed, so perhaps those instructions and others that we have been posting are no longer valid.


That's also why I wrote that perhaps if he gets the latest firmware push, it may automatically combine them for him.


It would be nice if an official CC employee would clarify exactly how things are now...



2.1K Messages

5 years ago







2.1K Messages

5 years ago

Which model gateway is being used?

By default they are combined but only for the the initial setup SSID on newer gateways (XFSETUP-XXXX) with the requirement to configure your own SSID and password right after activation before you can use the internet. They’re only configuration changes, not necessarily from an update to firmware, that enabled Mesh Mode that removes the ability to change wireless settings from the Gateway Admin Tool.

To combine SSID via the xFi Application:

Go into xFi either the mobile app or and go to edit WiFi, the pencil icon on the app on the network tab.

Click or tap on the use different names and passwords box to uncheck the box which means you’ll use the same SSID and password. You may have to remove a “-2.4” from the SSID as it initially takes on the information from the 2.4 GHz box. Tap apply changes. Give it a little bit and it should succeed. So that it doesn’t give you an error while doing this, I would perform this over a cellular network or just an alternative network. From what I’ve seen, if you do it over your own WiFi, it may throw an error but most times it still succeeds. I’ll upload some screenshots shortly for it. You just have to reconnect all of your devices all over again to the new SSID.

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