birdhawk's profile

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14 Messages

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 2:40 AM


How do I identify and remove an unidentified connected device I found on my Gateway admin tool?

Yesterday I opened my Xfinity Gateway admin tool and found a connected device that I don't recognize.  My Avast security program identified it as a Samsung product. I've never installed this thing and it has me concerned. Could this be a normal device that Xfinity installs as a matter of course? If not, how do I go about removing it.  The Gateway admin tool box for connected devices shows no way of simply shutting it down. I'd appreciate any information you folks have on this matter.  Thanks up front, Bob.

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14 Messages

11 months ago

Could someone please give me a hand on how to do with this problem?  I'm really concerned about this thing and would appreciate getting some useful information on how to remove this device.

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 birdhawk Thank you for taking the time to post on the Xfinity Forums. Managing your network is now handled via the XFINITY App. This is a great resource on how to navigate the xFi experience. From that article, this excerpt should help you shut down that device:


Pausing a device blocks it from accessing the internet when connected to your home network. In-progress activity might not stop immediately. Access to local network devices (like printers) and connections that use cellular data or other WiFi networks won't be paused.

To pause a device:

  1. Select the device from WiFi.
  2. Select Pause Device.
    • You can pause the device(s) for a specific amount of time (for example, 30 minutes, one hour or two hours) or indefinitely until you choose to unpause.

 (Edited: Added info about app.)


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