6 Messages
High Uncorrectables on Arris S33
Recently Xfinity upgraded my speeds and said I would need a new modem to get my new speeds. So I bought the Arris S33 DOCSIS 3.1 modem. After using it, I noticed a lot of lag and stutter when streaming content (youtube, netflix, etc) on my smart TV. I logged into my modem status page and saw I was having a lot of errors in the log and high number of uncorrectables on all my Downstream Bonded Channels. I am getting event code 16 and event code 24 about 6 times an hour in the event logs. So I thought it was an issue with the modem, so I returned the S33 modem and got a new S33 modem. I am still having the same issues with the new modem. Xfinity sent out a tech and he said everything was fine on my side but he did open a maintenance ticket to look at the outside box. I got a text saying they addressed the maintenance issue, but I am still having lag issues and high uncorrectables. Does anyone have any other suggestions for this? The uncorrectables are over a 3 day period.

109.2K Messages
4 years ago
The upstream power is too high and it may be intermittently fluctuating even higher to out of spec levels. That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels.
In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if there are there any excess/unneeded coax cable splitters in the line leading to the modem that can be eliminated/re-configured. Any splitters that remain should be high quality and cable rated for 5-1000 MHz, bi-directional, and no gold colored garbage from Radio Shack, Home Depot, Target, etc. Splitters should be swapped with known to be good / new ones to test.
Also check the coax cable for any damage such as cuts, nicks, kinks, sharp bends, etc.
If there aren't any unneeded splitters that can be eliminated and if your coax wiring setup can't be reconfigured so that there is a single two-way splitter connected directly off of the drop from the street / pole with one port feeding the modem and the other port feeding the rest of the house/equipment with additional splits as needed and you've checked all the wiring and fittings for integrity and tightness and refresh them by taking them apart then check for and clean off any corrosion / oxidation on the center wire and put them back together again, then perhaps it's best to book a tech visit to investigate and correct.
109.2K Messages
4 years ago
I'm going to escalate your issue to the Comcast corporate employees that are available to these boards. You should get a reply here in your topic. Good luck !
6 Messages
4 years ago
Hi - Reset my modem and these are numbers after 3 hours.
New Poster
20 Messages
3 years ago
Power levels are definitely too high. Try a forward attenuator. They're like $6 on Amazon