

6 Messages

Monday, September 6th, 2021 7:07 AM


High Uncorrectables on Arris S33


Recently Xfinity upgraded my speeds and said I would need a new modem to get my new speeds. So I bought the Arris S33 DOCSIS 3.1 modem. After using it, I noticed a lot of lag and stutter when streaming content (youtube, netflix, etc) on my smart TV. I logged into my modem status page and saw I was having a lot of errors in the log and high number of uncorrectables on all my Downstream Bonded Channels. I am getting event code 16 and event code 24 about 6 times an hour in the event logs. So I thought it was an issue with the modem, so I returned the S33 modem and got a new S33 modem. I am still having the same issues with the new modem. Xfinity sent out a tech and he said everything was fine on my side but he did open a maintenance ticket to look at the outside box. I got a text saying they addressed the maintenance issue, but I am still having lag issues and high uncorrectables. Does anyone have any other suggestions for this? The uncorrectables are over a 3 day period.



109.2K Messages

4 years ago

The upstream power is too high and it may be intermittently fluctuating even higher to out of spec levels. That can cause random disconnects, spontaneous re-booting of the modem, speed, packet loss, latency problems, and the un-bonding of channels.

In an effort to try to obtain better connectivity / more wiggle room, check to see if there are there any excess/unneeded coax cable splitters in the line leading to the modem that can be eliminated/re-configured. Any splitters that remain should be high quality and cable rated for 5-1000 MHz, bi-directional, and no gold colored garbage from Radio Shack, Home Depot, Target, etc. Splitters should be swapped with known to be good / new ones to test.

Also check the coax cable for any damage such as cuts, nicks, kinks, sharp bends, etc.

If there aren't any unneeded splitters that can be eliminated and if your coax wiring setup can't be reconfigured so that there is a single two-way splitter connected directly off of the drop from the street / pole with one port feeding the modem and the other port feeding the rest of the house/equipment with additional splits as needed and you've checked all the wiring and fittings for integrity and tightness and refresh them by taking them apart then check for and clean off any corrosion / oxidation on the center wire and put them back together again, then perhaps it's best to book a tech visit to investigate and correct.



6 Messages


I don't have any splitters, but I do have two cables coming from the drop. So I believe a splitter is connected directly off the drop to my house. One cable is feeding my modem and the other is feeding my cable STB and rest of the house. I had a technician already come by and he said everything looked good on my end but he did remove something from the drop saying this was lowering my signal. He also booked a maintenance ticket for me so they could come look at the drop and I got text saying they fixed the issue. However, I am still having an issue. Is there a way to get a more experienced, or higher tier tech to visit my house and help resolve this issue? The lag and latency issues when streaming are unbearable.



Gold Problem Solver


3.3K Messages

Hi, g_shark. Thank you for taking the time to post here in the Community!


We want to help you get to the bottom of your connectivity concerns with your internet/new modem. How long ago did you reset the modem, how long has it been online for? If it has been multiple days, let's go ahead and reset it as a first step, just so we can review the new/current information together. We can also take a look at a few things on our end as well, including the request where work was done in the area. 

I no longer work for Comcast



6 Messages


hello - this is over the course of 3 days. I have just reset my modem and will provide updated numbers. However I have done the reset before and I get about 7k-8k uncorrectables a day. I even reset the modem after the maintenance tech text said the issue was resolved. These are the screenshots since they said the issue was resolved. I also keep getting event 16 and event 24 in the error log. About 6-7 every hour.


Gold Problem Solver


3.3K Messages

Got it! I really appreciate the additional details. If you'll also send us a direct message with your first and last name, along with your service address so we can take a look at your account, that would be excellent. 

I no longer work for Comcast



6 Messages


Hi - when i tried searching for XfinityMorgan in direct messages it say I can't find you to send a message. Should i send it to XfinitySupport?




109.2K Messages

4 years ago

I'm going to escalate your issue to the Comcast corporate employees that are available to these boards. You should get a reply here in your topic. Good luck !



6 Messages

4 years ago

Hi - Reset my modem and these are numbers after 3 hours.

Startup Procedure
Procedure Status Comment
Acquire Downstream Channel 651000000 Hz Locked
Connectivity State OK Operational
Boot State OK Operational
Configuration File OK
Security Enabled BPI+
DOCSIS Network Access Enabled Allowed

Downstream Bonded Channels
Channel ID Lock Status Modulation Frequency Power SNR/MER Corrected Uncorrectables
44 Locked QAM256 651000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 276 65
17 Locked QAM256 483000000 Hz 0 dBmV 41 dB 445 124
18 Locked QAM256 489000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 460 167
19 Locked QAM256 495000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 394 144
20 Locked QAM256 507000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 411 133
21 Locked QAM256 513000000 Hz -2 dBmV 40 dB 395 157
22 Locked QAM256 519000000 Hz -2 dBmV 40 dB 397 152
23 Locked QAM256 525000000 Hz -2 dBmV 40 dB 364 133
24 Locked QAM256 531000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 440 120
25 Locked QAM256 537000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 409 114
26 Locked QAM256 543000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 414 104
27 Locked QAM256 549000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 373 138
28 Locked QAM256 555000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 401 114
29 Locked QAM256 561000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 387 148
30 Locked QAM256 567000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 278 151
31 Locked QAM256 573000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 342 96
32 Locked QAM256 579000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 343 95
33 Locked QAM256 585000000 Hz -1 dBmV 40 dB 309 126
34 Locked QAM256 591000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 289 119
35 Locked QAM256 597000000 Hz 0 dBmV 39 dB 302 123
36 Locked QAM256 603000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 366 99
37 Locked QAM256 609000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 324 101
38 Locked QAM256 615000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 291 123
39 Locked QAM256 621000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 268 118
40 Locked QAM256 627000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 290 64
41 Locked QAM256 633000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 338 62
42 Locked QAM256 639000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 263 94
43 Locked QAM256 645000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 260 79
45 Locked QAM256 681000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 273 70
46 Locked QAM256 687000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 228 91
47 Locked QAM256 693000000 Hz 0 dBmV 40 dB 287 54
48 Locked OFDM PLC 850000000 Hz 0 dBmV 39 dB 125400626 778

Upstream Bonded Channels
Channel ID Lock Status US Channel Type Frequency Width Power
1 Locked SC-QAM 16400000 Hz 6400000 50.5 dBmV
2 Locked SC-QAM 22800000 Hz 6400000 50.5 dBmV
3 Locked SC-QAM 29200000 Hz 6400000 50.5 dBmV
4 Locked SC-QAM 35600000 Hz 6400000 50.8 dBmV
5 Locked SC-QAM 40400000 Hz 3200000 51.8 dBmV

New Poster


20 Messages

3 years ago

Power levels are definitely too high. Try a forward attenuator. They're like $6 on Amazon



109.2K Messages

@Ar501 wrote: "Power levels are definitely too high. Try a forward attenuator. They're like $6 on Amazon"

FWIW. It's the upstream power levels that are too high / out of spec that is the problem here. The downstream power is good / in spec.   

That said. A *forward path only* attenuator will only lower the downstream power levels and have no effect on the upstream power levels. An *overall* attenuator will also lower the downstream power but it will also raise the upstream power by an equal amount of dB's. The two power levels work exactly opposite of each other. The point here is that neither device is correct to use. You can't use additional attenuation to lower the upstream power. It's the exact opposite. Attenuation must be decreased, not increased. That gets accomplished by improving / reducing any excessive line attenuation and improving / increasing the overall line / connection quality to the Comcast system. 


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