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2 Messages

Friday, September 25th, 2020 12:00 PM


High pitched whine from xFi Gateway 3rd Generation box

I am getting an extremely annoying high pitched whine from my newly installed xFi Gateway 3rd Generation box.  The sound is intermittent - comes and goes but can last for at least minutes at a time.  I can make it happen by making or receiveing a phone call on my Comcast landline - as soon as the destination phone starts to ring the high pitched sound starts on the xFi box. It may stop when the call is disconnected or it may not.  It may start on its own without the phone in use, but can be reliably started by making or receiving a call.  Simply pressing a key on the phone without completing the full dial may cause the sound to modulate, and may or may not cause the sound to stop.  I have verified with family members that I am not crazy - they hear it too.  Any suggestions other than returing the box and trying my luck with a replacement?

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

Same here, just got the new device and when the phone line (don't laugh) is being used, there is the high pitched whine/noise that is headache inducing.  Did you return the device?

Gold Problem Solver


2K Messages

4 years ago

If it's that loud and bothersome then just exchange it for a different one. 

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4 years ago

No, but it is still happening and if anything is getting worse. The complaints from the kids are also getting louder.

Regular Visitor


9 Messages

4 years ago

this is happening to me now just started last week (March 22 2021). it only happens when I use the landline. it is ear piercing sound. is there a fix for this??



109K Messages

4 years ago


You have to get it swapped for another as was stated by others.

6 month old dead thread now being closed.

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