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8 Messages
Google Home: "Hmm... something went wrong, try again in a few seconds."
Anyone else running into this problem with Google Home? If I ask a question it sits and hangs for 15-25 seconds or so and then gives and error. If I ask the question again right after it usually work. But if my device sits idle for even just a few minutes I get the error again.
I worked with Google Support and they gave me a few suggestions, the first of which is changing my default DNS on my router... which I can't do because this is controlled automatically by Xfinity.
Another options is to turn off IPv6... which I can't do because this is controlled automatically by Xfinity.
It's really annoying that I can't do hardly anything in terms of customizing my router.
167 Messages
3 years ago
Interesting and wondering if a bit more information specifically on the configuration there would be helpful in troubleshooting..
Assuming the issue has to do with WIFI signal to the home device?
First off, in order to isolate, are any other device on same WIFI net or in close proximity to the home device experiencing similar issue? If yes what type WIFI router is used, is signal strong near the WIFI router, weaker the farther away or upstairs, downstairs?
Is the WIFI router connected directly behind the cable modem? Do any other ethernet connected device experience latency, pixelation etc.,
With a bit more information, may be able to get traction on this issue.
A quick search on the web turned up good amount of information on troubleshooting.. Interestingly according to inter web, the "home" app installed on your mobile device needs specific information, details to function and if not set up properly can effect the "home" device functionality.
Just my .2 cents.
Thanks and good luck.
109K Messages
3 years ago
Ditch the Comcast rented gateway device for your own retail purchased equipment (separate cable modem and stand-alone router). The router will be much more granular and have many more features and functionality let alone saving the rental fee. You'll be much happier believe me !!!