4 Messages

Sunday, January 14th, 2024 4:52 PM


Gigabit x2 Upload speed issues

Hello, I have been trying to track down and issue with my upload speeds. Ive had the gigabit extra for a while and saw I should be getting 200mbps upload. I was only getting roughly 45mbps. After a few back and forths with live chat, my upload speeds increased to about 60mbps. Download has always been 1200-1300mbps so that was fine. 

Recently I was able to move to Gigabit x2 (2000 down 200 up). My download speeds are stable around 2100mbps down but still 60-70 up. I started with an xb7, upgraded to an xb8 and no change. The coax from the pole to the house is only about 3 years old, same with the run from that connection straight to the router. 

Any idea on what else I can do? I dont see why I cant get over 100 minimum.

Im testing via ethernet, on a pc that has more that capable of running those speeds.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

1 year ago

Hello @user_ydtp3d, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the upload speed, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you.


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4 Messages

1 year ago

I have done this just now



108.3K Messages

1 year ago

@user_ydtp3d @XfinityKrista 

Please circle back here and post any possible solutions for the issue here in these open forums so that all readers here may benefit from the exchange / info. This is in keeping with the spirit for which these public help forums were originally intended. Thank you.

4 Messages

1 year ago

So to update, the issue was with the most recent comcast upgrades in the area, the splitter that takes the line from the pole to the house was not compatible with the newest speeds. 

So once a tech came out and swapped that out we got new speeds.

So the line comes from the pole, to the house and splits the lines to all the tvs and modem. That main splitter was the issue. That was a comcast box that he swapped out for something much smaller



108.3K Messages

1 year ago

@user_ydtp3d Hey thanks for sharing that update with the community ! So for the sake of clarity, it sounds like the tech swapped an active / powered splitter / drop amplifier for a passive splitter. That would be the case because the older type of active amplifiers do not have the proper diplex filters in them to allow the passage of the frequencies that are needed for their Next Gen speeds. Whereas the passive splitters do not have that issue.


4 Messages

1 year ago

what you said sounds better lol



108.3K Messages


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New Poster


11 Messages

9 months ago

I'm hoping that we have the same problem.  However, it is frustrating to try to contact Comcast.  Lots of AI, then someone far, far away, who takes you through the AI.  Then gets close, but the connection drops, and you get to start with someone new, but who takes you through the same scripted texts.  Then, after 3.5 hours of this, I'm told that a tech MUST come out.  Appointment scheduled.  Time and number give, for next day.  Next day comes, goes, and I go to the Comcast store, not wanting to through the phone train again. I'm told that the time was scheduled, but not the day.  OH, and by the way the $100 technician fee is mandatory, because it might be my equipment.  It is not, but....

I'm so frustrated.  Customer since 1987, and I'm looking at other companies plans now.  I hate this.

Official Employee


2.7K Messages

Hey there, HoustonREF, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding your customer support experience. This is definitely not the customer experience we want you to have, and we appreciate you being in the family since 1987. I would love to turn this experience around for you. If you can please send us a Direct Message. 


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