Saturday, September 21st, 2024 6:32 PM

Gigabit Service Not being provide with advertised upload speeds

Currently signed up with gigabit service and not getting the rated upload speeds that were advertised with the plan.

The plan states it

Speeds Provided with Plan
Typical download speed
1141.94 Mbps
Typical upload speed
169.62 Mbps
Typical latency
16.13 Milliseconds

Can someone take a look at the account and see if everything is provisioned correctly to receive these rated upload speeds. Or provide an explanation why I'm not getting the advertised speeds?

My setup-

modem: sb8200

Ubiquiti Gateway Max - 2.5Gbs Gateway---> Hard wired into ----> 2.5Gbs network card Desktop.

----From Ubiquiti Gateway directly connected to modem: Speed Test : Down - 942Mbs \\ 23 Mbps Upload--(Test From Ubiquiti Built in Speed Test)

----From Desktop Computer directly connected to gateway: Speed Test : Down - 927.9Mbs \\ 23.7 Mbps Upload--(Test From Speedtest.xfinity.com)

All this information listed below is provide from your cutsheet on this specific plan I currently have purchased.

Broadband Facts

Xfinity (Comcast)

Gigabit, 1000 Mbps

Fixed broadband consumer disclosure

Monthly price


This monthly price is an introductory rate for 12 months. There is no term contract. The post introductory price for this plan is currently $115/mo and is subject to change. Your plan includes access to Xfinity WiFi public hotspots. This price does not include the autopay and paperless discount of up to $10/mo.

Additional Charges & Terms

Provider Monthly Fees

Optional modem or gateway lease

Customers may use their own modem or gateway, review our policy, or read over our list of compatible customer-owned gateways.


Optional xFi Complete

Includes Gateway Lease, Tech Upgrade, Advanced Security on the Go, and Whole Home Wifi.


One-Time Fees at the Time of Purchase

Installation fees

Customers should reference only one option.

Getting Started Kit

Shipping and Handling May Apply


Professional Install Fee



Late Payment Fee

5% of outstanding balance

Government Taxes

Varies by location

Discounts & Bundles

Click here for available billing discounts and pricing options when you bundle internet service with other products like Mobile, Entertainment, and Xfinity Home.

Data Included with Monthly Price


Charges for Additional Data Usage


Speeds Provided with Plan
Typical download speed

1141.94 Mbps

Typical upload speed

169.62 Mbps

Typical latency

16.13 Milliseconds

Network management

Review our policy


Review our policy

Customer Support

Contact us

Learn more about the terms used on this label by visiting the Federal Communications Commission's Consumer Resource Center at fcc.gov/consumer


Accepted Solution

Gold Problem Solver


26.1K Messages

3 months ago

... gigabit service and not getting the rated upload speeds ... sb8200 ...

The sb8200 is not compatible with the new higher upload speeds. Only a few retail devices are. See the "Next Gen" list at the top of the "All Compatible Devices" link near the bottom of https://www.xfinity.com/support/devices (at the moment it points to https://assets.xfinity.com/assets/dotcom/projects/cix-4997_compatible-devices/2024.08.14%20Full%20List%20of%20Compatible%20Devices.pdf, but this changes from time to time).

The modem is not compatible with Gigabit service either. Comcast/Xfinity rates it for use with plan speeds "Up to 957 Mbps", depending on model. Using devices with plan speeds for which they are not approved tends to produce unexpected results.

Also see:

For faster upload you need one of Comcast's newer rental gateways (XB6, XB7, XB8) or one of the few retail devices shown in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" group with an upload speed rating in the "All Compatible Devices" PDF:

  • Hitron: CODA or CODA56
  • Netgear: CM2500, CM3000, or CBR750
  • ARRIS/Surfboard: G20, G34, G36, G54, or S34
  • Ubiquiti: UCI 

The Reddit link lists the approved devices (although that list is out of date) as well as other requirements for faster upload speeds.

Realize that although Comcast calls some devices "Compatible" and some "Recommended", for all but a few devices those designations only mean "compatible/recommended for use with their Internet service", and not necessarily approved for the new upload speeds.

Comcast could make all of this much simpler and clearer, but they have chosen not to do so.

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2 Messages

3 months ago

Hey Bruce,

Thank you for the clarification. I was unaware of this "Next Gen Speed Tier" until yesterday. I ended up buying a CODA56 and prime shipped it overnight. I just finished setting it up and now getting all the speeds I pay for.

It's quite funny that Comcast doesn't mention the Next Gen Speed Tier for their gigabit service. I only found out about it when I realized my speeds weren't matching what I was paying for. Even the customer service representative I spoke with seemed uninformed about the product, as their go-to solution was to schedule a technician visit without considering whether my modem could handle the service.

After doing additional research on Reddit and your response reaffirming, I learned about the next gen tier speeds and decided to buy the CODA56.

Now, I'm enjoying speeds of

1.19 Gbps down

176 Mbps up.

Hope this helps someone else down the line.

Thanks again Bruce for the explanation and documents to reference as well.

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