Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 12:46 AM

Frequent internet drops afternoon/evening....

We have been experiencing frequent internet drops for about the last month to six weeks, most notably on weekdays, most of which happen in the afternoon or evening.   It is not unusual for us to see drops every few minutes, with the internet generally returning within a few minutes.  This can happen once or twice, or continue for hours intermittently.   I have checked wiring through the house to the outside, and we have no signal splitters present between the outside line and connection to the modem, and the wiring is in very good condition.  When service is working, speeds are generally good, as I typically see 900+ Mbps down and 100+ up with a wired connection, using 800/100 service tier.     We do use a mesh router internally, but that's not the source of the issue since I can still access anything on the LAN when the service drops, and I can generally tell from the modem lights that the modem has lost connection after I sense (or am told by others) that the connection has dropped.  When connections are lost, all devices in the house lose the connection, so this is not tied in any way to a specific device or location within the home, and is definitely not a wifi coverage issue.    

Unfortunately, both my wife and I work from home, so the drops are extremely disruptive since they generally cause our VPNs to our respective employers to be lost, and those connections use MFA for reconnection as well.  Because of the frequency of the losses and recovery time, it's not at all unusual for the down time to approach or exceed 50% for at least a couple hours a day.  Unfortunately, the drops are not predictable either, so we don't have the option to just "stop" and try again later, as there is no assurance or pattern that indicates that service will improve at a later time.              

Equipment-wise we are now using a CODA56 modem to get the improved upload speeds, but saw issues with our previous (CM8200) modem as well.  The drops were a large motivation for getting another modem, even though the SB8200 had (seemingly) served us well across multiple service providers and has no known issues.  Unfortunately, the CODA56 does not have an easy way to access the modem status page without taking down the rest of the network, but I will look to pull the logs at some point.  Based upon reading numerous other reports which sound virtually identical to my issue, values when operational will probably not show anything given that speeds are solid when the service is working, so it hasn't been a priority to get to that data.     

I have used the Xfinity app frequently to see if can provide anything useful, but it doesn't.  I am only told (repeatedly) to check connections and power cycle the modem, although I will say the app generally is well aware and reports that my modem is offline.  Of course there is also no way to directly contact support when this is happening to attempt additional diagnosis in the moment.  There are no outages ever reported in my area, but that's probably because the service is generally down for a few minutes.  

Thanks in advance for any wisdom that others can provide.    

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

3 months ago

Thank you for reaching out to us and for providing all these details @andersoj68! Based on what you mentioned, both hard wired and wireless connections lose connection at the same time. It would also appear that this issue is impacting devices using a VPN and devices not using a VPN. We appreciate you for using our Xfinity app too! Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue. To send a "Direct Message" to Xfinity Support:


Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "Direct Messaging" icon or  https://forums.xfinity.com/direct-messaging
Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there
 - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list
 - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it.

3 Messages

2 months ago

Hey I’m having an almost identical problem, was your issue resolved? I am not able to send a message like instructed to in the response either.



106K Messages

2 months ago

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