Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 7:08 PM

First time setup, Gateway blinking yellow

Gateway blinks yellow when plugged in, app won't connect. I have tried hooking up gateway to all coax outlets in the house and all give the same result. 



108.6K Messages

3 months ago

Ok so what happens sometimes is that when a tenant moves out, Comcast comes out for a service disconnect of the other end of the coax cable line from the live feed from the street / tap on the pole or pedestal in between move-outs and move-ins. You'll likely need to book a tech visit to come out and reconnect the premises to the feed. And you'll also need to get the device activated for service once there is a connection to their system. Good luck !


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

3 months ago

Hi there, @user_t4kom7 Thank you so much for reaching out regarding your modem blinking yellow. I definitely understand how frustrating this is for you, which I do apologize for. Are you still experiencing trouble connecting your modem, if you are please don't hesitate to reach back out so I can get you taken care of.-Richard

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